Bill's Beneficial Blog

Does anyone really read the millions of blogs out there? Or are they really just a ploy to entice Google for a bit more ranking or space? Every other ad agency blog is going to be all about how great they are, why they are the smartest and other clearly self promoting stuff.

So we decided to just write about what interests us. Our only hope is that - every now and then - you find a nugget that is a slight value for you. We hope. If you want to get these rantings in your inbox every so often, Signup to get emails. Here goes.

Everything Instant - Lodging Newsletter September 30, 2024

By Wm. May
Published: 09/30/24 Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management Comments: 0

Instant Always

Long ago with some partners, we made an offer to purchase (of all things) a radio station.  
The partners had experience at managing radio stations, but no experience at the process of actually closing a business purchase that included a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license application, tangible and intangible assets sale, engineering evaluation, and how to write all the necessary contracts.
The attorney engaged to facilitate the closing, had dozens of questions, when one partner innocently said, "Well, how long will it take for you to prepare the documents so we can close the deal?"
He informed us that he could have the first-draft of the closing documents in about week, then it would take the FCC about a month to review our application.
The partners were crestfallen. What could possibly take up to a week to type up some papers? The attorney was cordial in saying that this time is shared among numerous clients and, more importantly, the work must be done carefully and it must be done completely.
Overtime, with the advent of overnight document delivery services, then email, then mobile phones, and now texting, consumers and even business people have come to believe that everything little thing can be done immediately. But smart businesses still benefit from knowing when and when not to make things instantaneous.
We like to quote John Wooden, the head basket ball coach at UCLA from 1947 to 1975, won the NCAA national championship 10 times (7 consecutively). No other coach has come close. Many experts consider him to have been the best sports coach (in any sport) of all time, famous for admonishing his players to perform:
"Be quick. Never hurry."
That is especially helpful guidance in today’s era when more communications methods have caused everyone to want everything instantaneously. 
Later in life, Coach’s players admitted they not only fully understood the wisdom at the time. It helped them navigate life ever since.


In the vacation rental and lodging management business, the list of duties, tasks, and obligations is long and varied. Of course, it is necessary to maintain and clean the physical properties, to assist guests in every way they may need, and to communicate with the property owners.
Over decades, the list of obligations continues to increase. Create and maintain websites. Continually invest in technology to synchronize rates, dates, and information with "Online Travel Agency" (OTA’s) websites (such as VRBO, AirBnB, Expedia). Produce web-optimized still photos, drone aerial photography, 3D Tours, and even floor plans. Utilize devices to monitor guest behavior, while also being available 24-7-365. And help with government permits. 
Along the way, an unexpected burden has been imposed.
Communicating in new ways is a good thing. Years ago bookings came in by phone, with confirmations sent by mail, or even fax (remember faxes??). The arrival of email was helpful. Online bookings facilitate bookings. Mobile phone ordering convinced guests to book on the go, and also helps coordinate housekeeping. Texting allows guest and manager to reach out and touch at any time.
But is that all good?
More communication methods have actually decreased personal communications. OTA’s interfere between guests and managers. SMS texting makes for overly short words, requiring much back and forth. Guests  demand to text at 3AM with non-essential questions. Owners install security cameras to surveil guests (who just hate that).
So to provide top service to everyone we embrace that John Wooden quote, "Be quick. Never hurry".
No one method takes preference. Bookings, phone calls, emails, texts, online chats, are parsed to determine priority. Quick - guest onsite property services. Quick - weather and utility interruptions. Quick - housekeeping and maintenance scheduling and tracking. New bookings ae processed quickly, depending on arrival date.
All the other hundreds of duties, questions, and requests come after those. Accounting is scheduled. Advertising is planned far in advance. Owner reports are periodic, but not daily. For owner questions about projections, accounting, or other inquiries, time is taken to ensure that responses are accurate and complete.
Coach Wooden also advised, "It’s the little details that are vital."
So by following prioritized communications, we can achieve the best outcome for owners, guests, and staff alike. 

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Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 1000 – 09/30/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Frozen Guests - Lodging Newsletter August 31, 2024

By Wm. May
Published: 08/31/24 Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management Comments: 0

Vrozen Guests
For twenty years, visitorship of vacation rentals has been on a steady increase. But it has not been a straight line. Always upward, but erratic, too.
Short, medium, and sometimes long-term trends have slowed the industry. The dot com boom, 9-1-1, of course, and the 2008 real-estate depression. These large scale events squeezed bookings, rates and sales.
But there is good news. Every time, eventually, the vacation rental industry rebounded and the upward creep continued. All because vacation rentals are a better "product" for certain travelers, at certain times, who have certain goals.
Then an upward event further revealed good volatility, when there was a revenue surge never seen before. To escape "cabin fever", consumers flocked to private vacation rentals to get some enjoyment, while avoiding other people. (Hotels suffered.)  
Even long-time lodging advertising experts were astonished. Never had there been a splurge of buyer (guests) frenzy as big and as fast. Beginning in late 2022, 2023, and now in 2024, as vacation rental demand returned to what might be called "normal seasonal" levels.
In 2024, the softening nationally has continued for many reasons. But most pundits fail to voice a trend which has returned every four years, since our first office opened in 1964 and, of course, that would be the presidential elections.
The downturn affects many industries, not just travel, as each candidate and each party screams at consumers that the end of the world is near unless they vote for one candidate over the other.
And when people feel fear they "freeze", stop making decisions, put off purchases, travel less and become enamored with the battle. It may be sacrilegious to say, but the sky is never falling as fast or as much as presidential candidates want to make consumers believe.
In this month’s newsletter, let’s explore why humans are so easily manipulated.
Even with a degree in advertising, a first career in an advertising agency, and decades of ad management, the study of advertising still confounds me because it is directly tied to consumer psychology.
First my excuse - In business, we are only trying to get guests to buy our products instead of something else. We are only asking them rent our houses instead of the other houses.  
We aren’t hurting anybody but the same cannot be said for politicians, who have always used proven advertising techniques to scare the hell out of people.
Exaggeration - It is not enough to say "my opponent is wrong", but instead "Voting for that other clown will be the end of the world." But a biologist once said. "Humans are so self-centered. After an atomic war the cockroaches will be celebrating the feast they find." Humans are laughably self-centered.
Superlatives - It is not enough to be a good person, smart, well meaning, and hoping to represent voters well. Instead, the words are "Very motivated because (fill in the blank)", "Extremely intelligent" and "First in the class, the professional, the community."
Tribalism - People all want to be part of something bigger - a country, a state, a town, a club. They feel, "the other people are fools if they do not look like them, talk like them, dress like them.  
Personality - Strange to say, but no one likes everyone else. Mostly we appreciate people like ourselves. Or the opposite - the beautiful people, athletes, celebrities and people who have what we do not. We are fan boys and fan girls and seldom understand why.
Contemptibility - Contrary to feigned sincerity, politicians have always found their opponents foolish, knavish, and devoid of intelligence. Some say it softly, but they all say it.
Voters fall into this trap because, as the comedian George Carlin said, "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that."
Loyalty - In wars, every soldiers wants their fellow soldiers to be loyal to their cause. In politics, it is the rare voter who can separate their intellect from their loyalty. Once you join the team, you seldom switch teams out of loyalty.
Scarcity - Every party says, without us you won’t do as well. Then they paint a picture of utter doom should you be stupid enough to vote for the other person. There will be no jobs, no money, no stability, and even your friends will desert you. It’s not true, but it sells well to voters.
You Too - If you believe it is only the "Other party"  using manipulation to woo voters, sorry to say you have been wooed and manipulated. From the modest to the momentous, getting elected has always required despicable adverting techniques. Students of advertising recognize it. Should you?
Prediction - If politicians and parties would stop using despicable methods, then consumers would thaw out and get traveling again. I predict they will never drop the methods.
But the good news is - it will be over in a few weeks and then consumers can get back to life as usual. For lodging there will be an upturn. No one knows when but there always is. Let’s call that optimism.

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Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0999 – 08/31/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Wallowa Valley - Lodging Newsletter July 31, 2024

By Wm. May
Published: 07/31/24 Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management Comments: 0

After decades in lodging management we have learned a few things. Actually many things. More accurately, hundreds of things. Maybe even thousands. All are valuable to clients.
They could be called "Best Practices" or "Proven Policies" or "Operating Procedures." But we like to call them "Fingers in the Dike" because, if you know where the holes, are you can prevent a flood.
That is why we approach every new question, issue, idea, compliment or even complaints in this way:
First - Solve the problem, issue, or new (never been seen before) situation. ASAP.
Second - Formalize solutions into training, documentation, and actions, so if an issue comes up again, everyone here knows exactly what to do well before they need to do it.
That second point takes us extra effort, time, and sometimes money, but it saves that amount over and over again.
As a young man, I did not stay in Boy Scouting long, but I did memorize their motto. And over the years I have come to realize it is exactly what is needed to run a business, take on life, and even manage vacation rentals:
Be Prepared
Our competitors range from small local companies, to giant corporations, to newbie free-lance title "Co-hosts". So, it is surprising how ill prepared all of them are.
It is enjoyable to explain how our advertising, marketing, reservations, rate setting, photography and other skills will generate more income and profit for owners than the other managers can hope to do.
But most of all, owners need us because we have been-there, done-that, and are fully prepared with what may come.
Many variables are at the owners discretion, but we will always chime in with which finger should go where in the dike. Here are just a few:
Instructions - It is not enough to just provide the address. Emailed, mailed, or online instructions assist guests in flying, driving and finding the property. Even so, staff must answer phones 24-7-365.
Arrival - Whether using elocks or keysafes for entrance a toll-free phone number must be posted for guests who forget their code, can’t turn a key, or are lost in the dark.
Guest Books - It is fun to read that visitors love the house as much as you do. But not so fun when they complain about the weather, or draw in nasty photos. (It does happen.)  Instead a professional handy "Welcome Book" that thanks guests, gives them home details, and mentions area attractions is better.
Signage - The old slogan goes, "Tell them and then tell them you told them." A few professional strategic signs inside houses called "Notices" pleasantly remind guests of the rules.
Pet Friendly - Allowing dogs (no other pet type) will increase income. Accidents are rare, and visitors willingly pay a pet cleaning fee. If you reject dogs, but bring your own, people will presume the property is dander-free when it’s not.
Support Animals - Federal law prohibits refusing service to people with support animals. A few qualifying questions are allowed, but intimidating questions result in large penalties. Don’t question those people. (Currently, emotional support animals are NOT required to be allowed.)
Wine Basket - A bottle of wine sounds hospitable. But that is not legal, and eventually a wine snob will give you a bad review no matter quality. The solution? How about a bottle of Martinelli’s non-alcoholic cider? Everyone loves it. Kids can drink it. And it’s far cheaper.
Water Craft - While providing kayaks, paddle boards, or even boats sounds like a surefire way to attract guests, that presents a huge liability risk. And surprisingly, it won’t increase occupancy, rates or net income. Don’t include photos of anything that will not actually be provided, or the guest will demand a credit.
Games - Jig-saw puzzles are a joy for families, but soon pieces go missing, prompting a guest to leave a snarky review about that. Puzzles without pieces are best.  
Door Web Cameras - Surveillance must be disclosed in writing to guests. But they won’t get approval from their invitees. So some will scream murder when they feel spied upon. If you must, limit cameras to those mounted high and facing the driveway only.
Guest Monitoring -  Incidents of misbehavior are very rare, but newly developed noise and Wi-Fi monitors help managers monitor occupancy and keep neighbors happy.
Telephone - Yes, everyone has a mobile phone, but they may not be reachable or may turn them off while on holiday. Installing a "land line" can be done inexpensively and your manager can always reach guests.

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Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0998 – 07/31/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Vacation Rental Greed - Lodging Newsletter June 30, 2024

By Wm. May
Published: 06/30/24 Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management Comments: 0

In the movie "Wall Street", actor Michael Douglas’ character Gordon Gekko proclaims:

"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit."

In 2015, the "U.S. Open" Golf tournament took place near Tacoma, Washington. Promoters said it would be a massive boom for tourism. But they failed to say - only if you know what you are doing. With our first office having opened in 1964, we have watched how many events affect lodging. Our advice? If you don’t have sophisticated yield management to maximize profit, greed will cause pain.

Normally, clients are not allowed to set rates for the very reason that played out at the U.S.Open. But in this case, a large client insisted his rates be raised ten-fold. To our later chagrin, we gave in.

But by now you may have guessed what happened: It seems that the golf watchers prefer to stay in hotels where they can gossip with like-minded golfers, and maybe rub elbows with pros. The privacy of a private home is not what they come for.

Then the owners of usually non-renting homes, on and near the course, arranged to move out of their houses to offer rentals during the tournament. The market became flooded.

Although our property was very nice, it was far away from the action. Attendees wanted to avoid driving back and forth several times a day for a whole week.

As the championship week approached, our client panicked and screamed "Drop the rates! Let’s get some bookings, any bookings." We did not say, "I told you so." But we could have.

But it was too late. Event travelers plan far ahead and there were no guests to be had. While the property could have earned $10,000 that week, instead the owner made zero, zip, nada.

Setting proper rates is difficult even for skilled experienced managers who have research on rates, dates and competition. Clients do not, so they should drop their ego, ignore the greed, and let the pros make maximum profit for their homes. Sometimes the author Ron Rash, is correct:

"A small profit is better than a big loss."

Making a profit is good. Being greedy is dangerous. Here is how we pursue profit.

Authority - Let us do our jobs for you. Accept Yield Management as the powerful tool that it is - even if it seems not to work to you at times. Follow our recommendations, approve our ideas, and invest in the little things that make a difference.

Pride - Swallow it during seasons when no one is coming to town and as rates drop. Remember rates will soar during high seasons and yes, even during events. The telemetry we buy considers past, present and future events. It reacts quickly to changes such as weather, travel challenges, and everything competitors are doing - hotels, motels, inns, resorts and vacation rentals, of course.

Doll It Up - It is an old phrase my father was fond of as he "dolled up" his business, his car, his garden, and his 3 boys as he dressed us up for Church every Sunday. As a six old boy I swelled with pride as our teacher reminded students to see "Billy’s garden on the way home. His father grows the most beautiful roses." Dolling up a rental home is more than just good amenities, it is special touches that make a difference.

Buck Up - Ok, here is another phrase from my dad. Because rentals deal with consumers, accept that someday some guest will hate your town, your neighborhood, your resort, your house, your furniture, or even your manager. They are wrong of course, but the best defense is to make your place very nice and keep it that way.

Wise Up - I mean this as no disrespect, but this is the third phrase my Dad trumpeted - be wise. We pay attention, we study, we watch the competition, but we also search for new and innovative ideas. To operate properties tightly, advertise widely, and generate the best results.

Digest - Owners are subjected to the neverending hype about vacation rentals, even as the market supply grows and even if demand does not keep pace. Our team members spend countless hours mastering this seemingly simple industry and all so that our clients don’t have to do so.

Cooks - Yes there can be too many in the soup. And yes my dad told me that too. Repeatedly. It is wonderful to receive tips and ideas about the industry. Keep us posted as we spend overtime working for each and every client.

Do Your Part - Keep your home in tip-top condition, with upgrades, replacements of textiles, kitchen wares, and more. Or you can just call and authorize us to spend money where necessary. Every day, every owner competitor is improving steal your guests. If your place looks a bit worn, your income will drop. Guests won’t return. Or they’ll leave a negative review.

Passion - This last one from my Father is the most important. Tiring of how everyone tells young folks to find something to be "passionate" about, he said. "That is the wrong. He said that success is easy if you are passionate about everything. Do your best. Give a damn. Find the joy. Work your patootie off. Be good at what you do. That is the joy."

We can promise every client. That is what we do here. Thanks to all clients for allowing us to work on your homes. The best is yet to come. It always is.

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Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0997 – 06/30/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Political IQ's Maui Housing - Lodging Newsletter May 31, 2024

By Wm, May
Published: 05/31/24 Topics: Education, Employment, Government, Hawaii, Vacation Rentals, Vortex VIP Comments: 0

Political IQ

Hiring competent employees has always been a challenge. Today, diligent employers conduct multiple interviews, check references, and secure background checks before giving anyone a job.
Unfortunately, when citizens "hire" politicians ("vote") they never have an opportunity interview them face to face and they rely on the media to check a candidate's background, even though today's news pundits seem determined to push their own agendas, rather than simply reporting the facts. (That is a topic for a much bigger forum than our little newsletter here.)
But the risk of stupid decisions may actually be greater for town mayors, council members, and county council members than for national politics. Wikipedia says there are 89,000 local jurisdictions in the United States which may go by the terminology of city, town, township, borough or village.
With 3,143 counties in the U.S. and presuming an average of 3 commissioners for every county and just 3 council members (likely low) each city or town, that means there are around 276,000 people elected to govern their subjects.
Virtually none of those have been as intently tested as McDonald's does when they hire high school students to flip burgers.
Unfortunately, those 276,000 people are allowed to make decisions for which they have no experience, no training, and who seldom become experts on a subject before opining about it.
There are certainly far more important subjects for politicians than warring about our measly little "Vacation Rental" industry. But if those same officials show the same stupidity toward all challenges as they do stealing away property rights, it is no wonder those bigger problems are getting bigger.
This old joke applies. "What do you call a person who graduates last in their medical class?" The answer is "Doctor" and one may be your doctor, but you will never know.
Same thing for elected city and county officials, unfortunately.

The list of politicians who cannot connect the dots to make good decisions just keeps growing.
Maui, Hawaii - The latest candidates for IQ testing is Richard Bissen of Maui County in Hawaii. As you have undoubtedly heard, in August of 2023, the island suffered a catastrophic fire that burned the entire town of Lahaina and killed 100 people. Thousands were left homeless.
Help came from the state, the county, not-for-profits and even celebrities who own homes there, including Oprah, the Rock (Wayne Johnson), and Mick Fleetwood (Of Fleetwood Mac), offering cash, food and other necessities.
But now, Mayor Bissen has decided that he can help local residents by stealing property from other people. He plans to prohibit short-term rentals in 7,000 condos, in hopes those homeowners will rent them out long-term and cheaply.
Surely, many condo owners would forfeit then own occasional use for a year or two or three, presuming, of course, the government would pay for them. But no - Bissen is not planning to pay, instead by reversing the County's long held policy allowing short-term rentals, he plans to cripple owners so they will have to sell out cheap and, presumably, to local folks.
Everyone who loves Hawaii, including the owners of those 7,000 condos, feels terrible for resident losses, but the mayor's action will not work. It will years or even decades to work through the courts and will not create housing for many years to come.
The Beat of Hawaii website ( reports that the mayor's knee-jerk reaction was actually in the making long before the fire. Now he is using the fire as a scapegoat to get what he wanted all along. It panders to residents and ignores second homeowners who don't get to vote.
The annual negative effect of killing 7,000 rentals on Maui would be $3.25 billion dollars, a loss of $707 million County tax dollars, and will eliminate 14,000 jobs from the very people Bissen pretends to help.
His disjointed reasoning is that removing vacation rentals would "Force" visitors into hotels. Unfortunately, there aren't that many hotel rooms and, as has been proven elsewhere, when guests can't rent vacation homes, they simply go elsewhere. Maui loses. Hawaii Loses. Visitors lose.
Like so many places in the U.S., the housing that Maui needs could have been accomplished long ago by eliminating the 23% of building costs that cities, counties, state and federal government extort from building projects by ignorant and unnecessary rules, regulations, inspections and permitting fees.
Remove those and developers will come in droves to build what Maui wants.
When Bill Gates was a youngster, in a biography, it was reported that his mother after summoning him repeatedly to come to diner, finally yelled up to his room, "What are you doing up there?" He retorted "I am thinking mother. You should try it some time."
Well, Mayor Bissen, it is time to do some deep thinking and cancel such a stupid thing as killing jobs on Maui, devastating its economy, and actually making things worse instead of better.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0996 – 05/31/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Lodging Newsletter 20240229 Noel Coward Snake

By Wm, May
Published: 02/29/24 Topics: Advertising, AirBnB, Marketing, Self Improvement, Selling Comments: 0

Noel Coward and Snake Oil
Sir Noel Coward, the playwright, composer, director, actor, and singer, was known for his wit, flamboyance, and what Time called "a sense of personal style, a combination of cheek and chic, pose and poise."
When asked his advice for young actors, he said, "Speak clearly, move about the stage gracefully, and falling back on the playwright is always a good idea."
Why is it that in some careers that some people just do the basics, some become reasonably competent and still others become exemplary, like Sir Noel?
In lodging management, vacation rentals in particular, the playing field is now littered with managers and individual hosts at every level. And all feel they are successful. Mostly because they don't know the facts, because they don’t study.
AirBnB and VRBO enticed people by proclaiming how easy it is to buy a vacation rental, get some bookings and live happily every after. That pitch works because, indeed, if a home is listed on a single website, it will get some bookings. Not necessarily a lot, but at least some bookings.
Unfortunately, that gives every participant confidence that they are doing things right. But in fact, if a home is only listed on one or two advertising websites, it is leaving money on the table.
The rule we were taught in college is that advertising is a matter of reach, frequency, consistency and messaging. It is a simple formula.
  • To get more sales, get more inquiries
  • To get more inquiries, get more visibility
  • To get more visibility, advertise every way you can afford
There are hundreds of duties necessary to achieve maximum income. The most fundamental is to advertise everywhere always. If you don’t know how, you need a professional full-stack manager.


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Lodging Newsletter
by Wm. May, for February 28, 2024
Property owners hire professional vacation rental managers to do the work they don't have time to do, or don't know how to do, or that they may feel uncomfortable doing.
A recently retired Colorado manager explains to owners that managers take on sophisticated tasks to propel vacation rental success, (such as guest services, wide ranging advertising, personnel training, and guest services) but often they pay managers "to scrape poop off toilets."
Over decades of managing homes in various locations, from beaches, to lakes, to cities and mountains, our staff have invested tens of thousands of hours mastering every duty, from the lofty to the mundane.
As the vacation rental industry has grown (and as happens in every popular topic - think Pickle Ball!) the industry is now rife with so-called experts.
These "experts" speak at every conference, author bland blogs, write never-ending articles on websites (like LinkedIn), pontificate on podcasts, and own paid, member-only forums. Some of these have some good information, but many have the kind of headlines that have always come with get-rich-schemes.
"Get rich working only 4 hours a week!"
"Become a manager in just 30 days!"
"Make your vacation rental a money machine!"
"Slick ways for easy rentals!"
And all these riches will be yours by buying their product, book, or seminar from people with insufficient knowledge and experience. If you think this sounds like a late-night infomercial for hair-growing vitamins, you are correct.
Unless you spend many hours every week mastering the industry, you will never maximize your income. The trouble is that snake oil sales people are providing 10% facts and 90% nonsense that harms readers by promising far more than they can deliver.
Benjamin Franklin said "Freedom  of the press should be restricted to those who can afford one." But now the internet has made everyone a author, broadcaster, editor and publisher. How can you know who is really an expert? You can't.
The American Idol TV show is famous for promoting tone-deaf singer auditions, because the signers believe they can sing. How sad for those contestants. And how sad that homeowners are being led astray by experts who aren't.
It was once said, "That those who can, do. Those who can't, teach." But today those who can't, just say they can.
Better advice for vacation rental home owners is to heed dear old Sir Noel Coward, rely upon the author. For vacation rentals, that is to hire a competent, consistent, always learning, full-stack, professional manager.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0982 – 02/29/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Continuing Versus Continuous Education

By Wm, May
Published: 02/29/24 Topics: Education, Employment, Government, Lodging Management, Lodging Newsletter, Vortex VIP Comments: 0

Continuing versus Continual Education


How would you rate the teachers you had in school and professors in college?
Like all professions, there are people who perform well and those who do not, with the majority sitting somewhere between those extremes and with most doing well or good enough.
After formal schooling, most workers find there are continuing education requirements for their chosen career. Doctors, Dentists, Accountants, Lawyers, Real Estate Agents and many other professions require participants take courses to learn fundamental skills and periodic classes to brush up or learn new and improved methods.
Long ago, formal requirements for continuing education were unusual. Today, Federal, State and even local governments, along with professional organizations (such as the Legal "Bar") set standards and demand practitioners take classes and pass exams. States have hundreds of licenses. You'll need a training to operate a cemetery, sell cars, or operate campground sales.
In a prior career as a mergers and acquisitions intermediary selling mid-sized companies, having a real estate brokerage license was required. Taking the classes was not a burden, but provided zero instruction on how to market, structure and sell corporations.  
Unfortunately, the by-product of excessive licensing implies that people who have a certificate are qualified to do the work for which they have a license. For example, it implied that someone who has taken only 60 clock hours, is qualified to help a corporation sell out. That is dangerous for business sellers and buyers. So such a requirement deceives consumers.
Lodging operators of inns, resorts and vacation rentals have no such requirements for continuing education. But meetings, seminars, and conferences have sprung up where participants can hear from experts, learn techniques, and even argue about best practices. Like many other industries, lodging education has become dominated by vendors to the industry, who have something to sell, rather than the people who are actually out running properties.
So how is a property owner to know which managers are qualified and which are not? The answer is to look for managers who are committed to continuous self-education, not just continuing education. This month's newsletter provides a guide for doing just that.
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Lodging Newsletter
by Wm. May, for March 31, 2024
There are vast differences in the competence of lodging managers. Education is helpful, but does not reveal the manager's commitment. Technology affects income dramatically, but do they have the correct tech? Experience is helpful, but not if the manager does not apply lessons hard learned.  
In recent years, AirBnB has suggested owners could just hire a nearby neighbor to manage their homes. Or find another self-managed owner and entice them to take on your house. Unfortunately, using amateurs is risky because they know not the whole picture.
Ours is a seemingly simple industry, but saddled with hundreds of tasks, and requiring knowledge that has changed dramatically almost every month for decades, and should be expected to continue to continue to morph forever. Think of these things when interviewing prospective lodging managers.
Needs: Fully outline your expectations and needs. Do you want a manager to hold your hand on a daily basis or one who performs their duties well and reacts swiftly to changing demands like rates, competitors and, even, the weather.
Knowledge: Admit what you already know and what you do not know. Ask managers about their procedures for each and every little thing. Then, let the manager perform.  
Questions:  Ask manager candidates deep questions. Require that they have proven policies and procedures for most anything you can imagine. If its not written down, they do not.
Continuous: Ask how they learned their craft, how long they have been doing it, and how they continually educate themselves and staff members. Without that your house is at risk.
Commitment: Are they are available 24-76-365 for guest and property needs? While after-hours requests are rare, you want leaders who always step up and take charge. Most managers do not.
Attitude: You may find this idea unusual, but in a consumer facing business, managers who are up-beat, unflappable, and happy to serve elevate your property above the rest. (It is not easy.)
Managers who are newer will be unable to answer every question, and may be unable to answer most questions. Experienced, leader-type managers will have seen about every possible scenario when it comes to managing homes. Such as:
Guests who arrive early before the home is re-cleaned or leave late, cutting cleaning time. Storms that flood roads. Counties that fight rentals. Advertising websites that act irresponsibly. Guests who try extortion a free stay. Credit cards that bounce.
Professionals who already know how to handle those situations are primed to take care of them without fuss. These are the managers who will produce the best possible outcome for your property.
Cost: The first question that most property owners ask managers is, "what is your fee?". While that is important, there are dozens of other questions that will affect the property's profit even more. Rates, advertising, reservation staffing, accounting and, even, legal staff. Balance them all to get success.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0986 – 02/29/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Vacation Rental Politics - Lodging Newsletter April 30, 2024

By Wm, May
Published: 02/29/24 Topics: Education, Employment, Government, Vortex VIP Comments: 0


Politics and Vacation Rentals make strange bedfellows. That makes sense for lodging where providing "beds" is the name of the game. But for politics, the operative word is just plain "strange".
Politicians have been known to praise tourism as good for local economies, all while they are hand cuffing travelers with excessive taxes, lodging promotion contributions, and repugnant regulations.
The latest incursion on travel is where naive local politicians attempt to circumvent the traveling public's wants, by profiting from vacation rentals or burdening them with unnecessary and poorly conceived regulations
Marketing of any product is simple - "Ask consumers what they want. And then you give it to therm."  Businesses don’t tell consumers what to buy. They give it to them. That is especially true for travel.
Politicians like to ignore that undeniable truth, by dreaming up more ignorant ideas, all of which will cut travel in their areas and, thereby, cut those locals jobs that support their constituents.
The latest stupidity is how Chelan County Washington fabricated laws that add costs for visitors and saddle homeowners with unnecessary costs. Worse yet "Drop Dead" clauses permanently strips owners of their Constitution bundle of real estate rights for any imagined violation.
Washington State lawmakers want to allow cities and counties to add an additional whopping 10% to the sales and lodging taxes. They figure if consumers are stupid enough to pay the current 10 to 14% tax, they are dumb enough to pay 20 to 24%.
Consumers know when they are getting ripped off. They disappear never to return. The gossip mill warns other visitors that they are not wanted in Chelan County.
On top of all that, Chelan County's egotistical Community Director fools spent $300,000 for a software system to encourage neighbors spy on visitors, only later to admit that any traveler fines won't be enforceable to offset the cost.
There are bigger problems in the world than what vacation rental owners face. But if governments approaches all problems as they have for rentals, is no wonder they fail to solve those bigger issues.

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Here is an open letter to the Chelan County Commissioners. Sounds like they believe their super citizen role gives them the right to ignore fair play and smart thinking.
Dearest Commissioners & Bureaucrats:
If you myopically thought that soaking visitors with never ending taxes would not decrease tourism, congratulations - you have fooled even yourself. Why be surprised that County Lodging contributions have dropped hugely?
If your goal was - To decrease sales for every business that relies on visitors, you should be congratulated for crushing commerce in the county.
If your goal was - To increase unemployment by causing those companies to cut jobs, you should be congratulated for hurting the very people who you are supposed to be protecting.
If your goal was - To get rid of all those pesky out-of-town land owners, you should  be congratulated. You did it and devastated those people who don’t get to vote in your election. Smart really.
If your goal was  - To trick people into thinking second homeowners would rent them out as affordable housing, thereby prohibiting their owner's use, congratulations on an idea that has never worked anywhere else.
If your goal was to - Kick people out of the county, who have owned there and loved it (As you do) for decades, congratulations for that kind of apartheid.
If your goal was - To pander to those citizens who hate everyone and everything, you should be congratulated for creating your own kind of hate crime.
If you goal was - To make those people hate heavy handed government, you should not be congratulated for tricking and treating people like fools.
If your goal was - To rake in more unnecessary taxes and increase costs, adding layers of paper shuffling bureaucrats, congratulations, now you have more people sucking money for no valid reason.
Can you ever comprehend that responsible people are entitled to take care of their properties without more mind-numbing rules, regulations, risks and abuse? You should be congratulated for doing the opposite.
Can you admit - That right now is the time to cut the vacation rental regulations down by 90%. Have a simple form to ensure everyone pays taxes, has safety equipment and lists how to contact owners if there is an issue.
Of course, all the haters in the county will castigate you for prohibiting them spewing their hatred. But it is time to do the right thing, so that maybe you could be congratulated for standing up for fair play.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0992 – 02/29/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Who's Confused - Lodging Newsletter January 31, 2024

By Wm, May
Published: 01/31/24 Topics: AirBnB,, Channels, Expedia, Online Travel Agents (OTAs), Comments: 0

Five years ago, we last visited the question - how can I find my listing on all those giant vacation rental websites?
As usual, those websites continue to change at lightning speed.
  • Can there be anyone in the country who doesn’t use the internet?   
  • But who of us truly understands how the internet really works?
For two decades, our engineers have been working to keep our vacation rentals dominant on hundreds of websites. That is because advertising on websites continues to become more convoluted.
Invisible: Property owners love to see their listings on those giant websites and are needlessly worried when their property seems to be missing.
But there is good news - your listing is not gone, it has just been intentionally hidden from you by those same websites you might presume are there to help you gain bookings.
The reason - how can those massive websites show millions of listings on itsy bitsy screens?
The answer is they cannot. SO they use algorithms, filters, variables and even Artificial Intelligence (AI) to guesstimate, predict, estimate and display listings in some order (and on maps) to generate the highest possible revenue for themselves - not for property owners.
Try this exercise - open up a website and look at the map. There you may see maybe 20 "push pins", one per home. Then zoom in to still show 20 pins while some of the original pins fall off the side of the map. Zoom in again and you’ll still see 20 but not the same properties as on the first screen.
The websites cannot display all the push pins or the entire map would be covered. So which units are displayed? Those that the software guesses are most likely to sell, but not necessarily yours.
This month’s newsletter summarizes more about searching, how we work within that maze and what owners can also do to improve visibility.

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Lodging Newsletter
by Wm. May, for January 31, 2024
Visibility of VRBO, AirBnB,, Expedia and other vacation rental websites are affected by three main categories - (1) Technical (2) Editorial (3) Product.
Technical - Advertisers have no control over the hundreds of variables that channels use to rank listings, nor their algorithm or AI. The websites are very vague in describing their systems and they change it frequently for fear someone will figure it out.
For example: In general the website looks for location (country, state, city, neighborhood and even resort), quality, popularity and price. (They admit they want listings to be cheap.) How about waterfront, ski-in and close to restaurants? Good reviews and preferred status help, but they look for words like "love", "perfect", "charming" in reviews guests leave.
Homes fitting popular filters do better, such as having hot tubs, fire pits, fireplaces, gourmet kitchens, parking, dog-friendly, child-friendly. AI looks at how often the home is saved to "wish lists", but drops priority if those guests never book.
Channels love dynamic pricing that ebbs and flows with the market, presuming you are trying to be less than competitors. (Not good for you, but good for the channel.) They like it when guests stay longer, making you more visible for new bookings.
Editorial - Overtime, we have proven that certain techniques help make a home more visible. Here are some we feature: High quality photos and lots of them. Well written descriptions with valid content. Rapid response to guest inquiries and questions (during the stay).
We list every possible amenity and remove any if they are no longer there. We include tags in descriptions, such as mountain, riverfront, close to pool. We maintain high hospitality-grade cleaning.
AI loves "instant booking", which we always use and we do then talk with guests to assess their qualifications. Conversely, the algorithm hates cancellations (even if for valid reasons). We use catchy headlines (some channels disallow headlines).
Homes get points for rapid customer service and professional messaging. (We do all of that.) And we include specifics of the location and benefits. We don’t presume the guest has been to the area previously.
Product - While admitting that the channels care only about themselves, logic does say there are things owners can do to improve their odds of being seen and of being booked.
Adding bedrooms, beds or occupancy are sure winners. (Remember families of 4 often rent a home that sleeps 8 with 4 beds.) More bathrooms means more bookings. Upgrade amenities regularly - linens, towels, pots and pans, etc. Nothing lasts forever.
SUMMARY: Owners can help make their homes more popular and we as managers are using every tool to boost visibility. In the end, the house itself is part of a very large system in which an unknown algorithm decides how visible a property is and when.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0980 – 01/31/24

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Marine Link Tours - Lodging Newsletter September 30, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 09/30/23 Topics: Boats Comments: 0


Travel comes in many forms. Tourism is a subgroup, including enjoyment, learning, observing. And specialty lodging has its own niche, starting with vacation rentals but including inns, resorts and now even freight boats offering one of a kind experiences.

Marine Link Tours delivers all kinds of freight up and down the Salish Sea in British Columbia from Campbell River to Port Hardy and Seymour Inlet. There may be stops in Loughborough Inlet, Kelsey Bay, Broughton Archipelago, Port McNeil, Powell Lake and whatever other stop needs delivery.

They even take along travelers searching for the unusual. These are not passengers going from stop to stop, but inquisitive folks on a 5-day trip longing for an out-of-the-ordinary thrill.

Years ago, the ship owners acquired a barge-like boat, flat bottomed, extended it and added six state rooms for those travelers willing to pay a pretty penny to get the unusual.

Traveling at a whopping 7 knots (8 miles per hour) the captain nestles the boat up long and winding inlets, which in Norway would be called fjords, going miles without sight of houses, cabins or boats. Delivering to logging camps, fish farms, small communities and First Nations' villages.

The Marine Link trip is nothing like what passengers experience on the huge cruise ships that may pass silently speeding to Alaska. There are no cabarets, no night clubs, no water slides, no gambling. But the freighter does provide gourmet meals from the live-onboard chef, an attentive steward, and a visit in the wheel house with a captain who has spent 37 years visiting every corner of the sea.

It all comes with peace and quiet as humpback whales, orcas and porpoises swim around and alongside. Grizzly bears lounge in meadows and mountains thousands of feet directly above the boat. Deep in Knight Inlet, a waterfall plunges over 800 feet directly into the sea on this longest and most spectacular coastal fjord. The captain grins as he noses the boat directly under the waterfall.

In our small world of vacation rentals, we are reminded that every guest who visits us hopes for a unique, intriguing and memorable experience. It is also our job to deliver.


As summer wanes, we take time to be thankful. In case you don't spend day and night following the lodging industry - like we do - here is a summary of some recent travel industry and market developments.

SEASONALITY - Around the country and in drive-to destinations like the Northwest, occupancy now mimics seasonality as it was before Covid.

FIRES - Luckily, our markets have not had rampant fires, even though smoke has and may continue to lessen travel enthusiasm. Sorry to say, but a half-dozen times over the years we have learned how to deal with these interruptions when they arise. The goal is to build guest satisfaction and retain rents for owners.

ADVANCE - Over several decades the amount of time in advance that guests book dates has ranged from a year down to days or weeks, when bookings resumed after Covid. Early summer was slower and now bookings are occurring in a more normal timeframe.

RATES - Rates have been depressed because so many competitors panicked and plummeted rates in a "race for the bottom" on prices. It is necessary to compromise to get bookings. But last minute bookings are filling dates and we can hope that continues as usual into September.

PRICING - Our rates experts evaluate rates up to 13 months in advance and make changes most days based on current market volatility. The AI telemetry we buy for our S2D2 algorithm may lower rates on a last minute basis, then real humans intervene to raise rates at every opportunity. Their success has beat industry trends.

CHANNELS - AirBnB, VRBO and other advertising websites are saying business is good, but they achieve that by expanding the number of rentals between 10 and 20%. Contrary to their crowing, that doesn't mean more income for each individual owner.

ONSITE - A giant shout out to all of our wonderful market managers, housekeepers and maintenance staff who have toiled 7 days a week, weekends, holidays and sometimes well into the evening. Most have been part of the team for years and every property owner should give them kudos. We certainly do.

TECHNOLOGY - Working behind the scenes are a whole group of software, advertising, marketing, photography, graphics and other tech experts. They too work overtime in summer to adjust to market conditions that are changing faster than ever before.

HISTORY - As the vacation rental industry has grown for decades, we have always advised owners to only buy a second home for the best of reasons. Our competitors lure in owners with a pitch that owning a vacation rental is a "Get Rich Quick" success.

History says that over years homes usually appreciate, producing profits when they are sold. But today, operating a rental has become a time consuming and intricate undertaking which can be expensive and exasperating if done innocently.

Most homes don't make a cash-on-cash return annually, but with our skilled vacation rental management owners can get maximum income with minimum fuss.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0966 – 09/30/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Shakespeare - Lodging Newsletter August 31, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 08/31/23 Topics: Education, Events, Lodging Newsletter, Things To Do Comments: 0


Years ago my wife and I jumped into our trusty Volvo and drove eight hours straight to Ashland, Oregon for my first glimpse of the Oregon Shakespearian Festival with its replica of the Globe Theatre from Shakespeare’s lifetime. It’s an outdoor Elizabethan Theatre that seats 1,190 people each night April through October.

We rushed into our seats just as the lights went down, to be immersed in a magical night of King Lear in which, at last, the genius of William Shakespeare revealed itself in ways that reading the text did not.

In the stunning cocoon of theatre under the stars, and along with what surely must be the most beautifully functional indoor theatre seating anywhere, in an intimate 200 seat playhouse, we gorged on 8 plays in 5 days. 2PM and 8PM.

The festival sells 360,000 tickets between April and December each year providing the quaint town of Ashland, Oregon an economic foundation that supports world class restaurants and bars, and a variety of other arts offerings, too. It is the largest not-for-profit theatre organization in the country.

Wonderful inns, hotels, vacation rentals and bed and breakfasts (the real kind not the faux AirBnB kind) dot the town and the valley.

All together some 2,800 people fill every seat every day so strolling around town and the Lithia Park that meanders up the small valley below the theatre never feels crowded and helps burn off dinner before a night of drama.

If you think you don’t like stuffy old Bill Shakespeare’s plays, I wonder if you have ever seen his unforgettable stories of love, tragedy and spiritual transformation of people as they were meant to be seen and felt.

In the world of business, and in lodging in particular, there are things to learn from the Ashland organization. Having started in 1935, it proves that wondrous things can be done by spirited people who love what they do.

Every day we try to think just like that.


How about I try to connect live theater to live vacation rental management with a few quotes from plays four centuries past.

All the world’s a stage. (Preparation) Ninety percent of vacation rental work is done before the guests ever arrive, just as it is with a play. Perfect practice makes perfect. Advertise absolutely everywhere, answer the phones and provide guest service everyday of the year, with 24-7 support.

What’s past is prologue. (Continuity) The joy in watching guests depart happy just means a new group is soon to arrive. No time to celebrate knowing the process is to be repeated endlessly.

The play’s the thing. (Writing) In lodging, managers must compose every policy, method, and responsibility well in advance. No ad libbing, no seat of the pants. Determine what to do before attempting to do it.

This blessed plot. (Planning) Managing vacation homes of every size and shape, in various locations and seasons is greatly intricate. Hundreds of things can happen. Everyone of which must be learned, planned for and - most important - documented for training and policies.

Merely players. (Casting) The actor chosen to play King Lear must be 80 years old. Likewise hospitality staff must be born to the calling - of being hospitable. It can be taught by experts, and learned, but is often best from people born to help others.

Experience is by industry achieved. (Staffing) Lodging requires industrious cleaners, resolute reservationists, innovative advertisers, attentive accountants and guest services open 24-7-365 (just like ushers helping patrons find their seats).

Proceed in practice. (Pursuit) Perfect practice makes perfect. It can never stop and never waiver. Review what is done, make corrections, align to the future. Homes must be well kept, always maintained and repaired quickly.

What’s timely done. (Scheduling) The play must start on time. The homes must be cleaned and ready for arrivals on time 40 to 100 times a year. No matter the weather, or traffic, or interruptions.

He smiles, methinks. (Serving) Not every consumer is a nice person. Most are, which is what makes the industry so enjoyable. But anticipating what customers may want allows us to be ready to be helpful. But no matter what, we must smile and be grateful.

Tickled with good success. (Results) When we complete the neverending lodging tasks, duties, and effort, the rewards are financial gains for property owners and smiles from slumbering guests. The endless list of obligations makes it happen.

All’s well that ends well. (Success) Step-by-step, part-by-part, business in general, travel, and lodging in particular can only be judged after each stay, to see homes perform as investments, to see guests enjoy their stay, and appreciate what we have done.

A very serious business calls. (Ending) Like all good plays, even newsletters must end. There is other work to be done. You have probably had enough already of things Shakespeare uttered now twisted to this purpose.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0967 – 08/31/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Gear Box - Lodging Newsletter July 31, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 07/31/23 Topics: Aberdeen Washington, Education, Lodging Management, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0


At age 14 my best friend and I were conscripted. My father ran a Kenworth brand truck dealership in Aberdeen on the coast of Washington State which promised "Parts, Sales & Service". He was moving into a new building in the town's port dock area. Hundreds of heavy metal racks had to be assembled and wrestled into position. It was a big job and took weeks.

At 15 I started to deliver parts all over Washington's Olympic Peninsula, driving a one-ton pickup with no power steering. It was like wrestling a steer down the road. No problem, because I loved listening to the scratchy AM radio that played rock and roll for hours on end.

Arriving from school at 2:30 pm, Dad might say, "You go to Port Angeles today" and hand me a list of 10 to 20 truck shops, logging yards and government warehouses to visit. The truck was loaded to the gills with big, greasy heavy parts. I was expected to wrestle them out at every stop.

I would say, "I won't get home until midnight." And he would say "Ah, it ain't gonna kill you." "But I have class at 8 in the morning." And he would say, "It still isn't gonna kill you. Best start and go now."

Monthly, I drove three hours to the company's headquarters in Seattle. Behind its shiny corporate offices were 20 bays where giant trucks could be serviced at once. It was a beehive of activity.

On the south of the building was a quiet mysterious place called "The Gear Room" where men slinked about working on transmissions, rear-ends and even steering boxes. Other mechanics did not speak to "Gear Heads" and they didn't speak to each other. They tinkered and worked as if doing open-heart surgery.

If you have never looked inside the transmission of your own car, you have missed a work of art. Inside are gears of all sizes, and bearings spinning at enormous speeds on one axis, and others in another. If you stuck your finger inside it would be sliced and diced instantly.

Gear boxes are a whirling indecipherable maze that only the experienced, skilled and studious experts could disassemble and reassemble correctly. It has dawned on me that lodging management of Inns, Resorts and Vacation Homes is a bit like that. One can pretend to be a manager, but only those with a the right mentality are truly Gear Heads.


Vacation Rental Management is like a Gear Box, with everything running in many directions. Renting out a private vacation rental home is a seemingly simple concept but there are more moving parts, gears, stresses and strains than imaginable. We do it well by employing experts just like the Gear Heads. So many people and things to deal with.

- Guests are the folks who kick in the money to pay rent on properties.

- Property owners are clients because they have an investment at stake.

- Neighbors are clients because they have the potential to be clients in the future.

- Staff members are also clients because their input & performance are critical.

Generally guest goals are much alike - go on vacation, bring the family, rest, relax and recreate and all for the lowest price they can find.

But our other clients, the property owners, have goals that differ from those of guests. Landlords are aware that making guests happy is what brings them back to rent again.


Property owners who try to self-manage their homes remotely get a rude introduction to the world of dealing with consumers, with houses that need maintenance, and with advertising channels that are overbearing and monopolistic.

Engineers, Architects, Doctors and even Lawyers make good clients because they too live in a professional world where the nuts of bolts of performing are often invisible to their customers. Their time is valuable and they leave transmission repairs and vacation rental management to the experts.

Owners who are new to landlording, unaccustomed to business, or have invested too much in their homes, live on pins and needles. They worry about the home and want to make every decision.

When they use a manager they bug the manager with questions, concerns and emotions never realizing that every minute they demand is time stolen from the manager's primary duties - to take care of homes, take care of guests, and spend long hours advertising, marketing, reservationing and pursuing money, most of which goes to the property owner.

There are still Gear Heads in every truck shop in the world, working quietly and uninterrupted. Now they have many high tech tools, but it is their experience and concentration that ensures the gear box will work flawlessly for hundreds of thousands of miles. To disrupt a Gear Head is to risk a slight mistake that could cause major problems. So truck shop managers are careful to let their scientists do their work alone.

Wise Vacation Rental Owners use their lodging managers like Gear Heads. They let them work alone to fine tune every vacation rental gear and bearing of every vacation rental home. They set rates, scrub toilets, advertise everywhere, persuade guests and coordinate cleaning every home 50 to 100 times a year come rain or shine.

In the end vacation rentals can perform like a well-made giant Gear Box which causes the entire process to run smoothly.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0965 – 07/31/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

History of Hi-Tide Resort's Moclips River

By Ron Lee
Published: 07/10/23 Topics: Comments: 0

From a tale of long ago, but not far away, a small guest action has become a long-standing custom for guests from far and away. Come and join us to rock out the beach. Read more

Sponsor: Hi-Tide Resort – You can't get any closer to the beach than this. comfy, cozy, modern condos at Hi-Tide-Resort on Moclips Beach WA State. –

Eloise Rocks Out at Hi-Tide Resort

By Wm. May
Published: 07/10/23 Topics: Art, Fishing, Hi-Tide Resort, Photography, Vacation Comments: 0

No one knows exactly how it all got started. Maybe it is a myth.

The dreamy story goes like this. Long ago a young guest brought along a painting set to the beach.

The plan was to create a Vincent Van Gogh worthy painting of the sundown just as the mythical magical but very real great green flash that winks when the sun disappears completely. And just for a second.

Her name was not recorded at the time, but for now we have come to call her "Eloise". There is no record of whether she successfully caught and depicted the momentous moment. But it is something that can be frequently be seen year round from the condos at Hi-Tide.

After wandering the beach, exploring the Moclips River and digging a full limit of Razor Clams , Eloise decided to use her leftover paint to leave a message and art on a small round river rock.

The portrait of her dog, who had accompanied her to HI-Tide, included the dog's name "Picasso" and these lovely words, "I love it here. I will be back."

She placed the rock gently into a flower bed just outside the entrance to the resort office. What happened next started slowly but has grown to become a must-do activity for visitors from all over the world.

Travelers journey to Moclips Beach, staying at our lovely Hi-Tide Resort , and enjoying the very same peace and quiet and stunning beauty of the North Beaches of Washington State.

Some stay for just a few days. Others stay for a week or two or longer. But before they leave, they can ask for paint and a brush with directions were to find a suitable rock on which to paint their message for posterity.

Today, the gardens of HI-Tide Resort are filled with painted rocks and messages of love and life. Better yet, most visitors return year after year. To paint a new rock or to touch-up those which have graced the gardens for decades.

You are invited to make your own memory here and rock out at Hi-Tide.

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Author: Wm. May – Rock Out at Hi-Tide Resort, Hi-Tide Resort
Blog #: 0940 – 07/10/23

Sponsor: Hi-Tide Resort – You can't get any closer to the beach than this. comfy, cozy, modern condos at Hi-Tide-Resort on Moclips Beach WA State. –

Oh Canada - Lodging Newsletter June 30, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 06/30/23 Topics: Education, Hotels, Housekeeping, Inns, Lodging Newsletter, Reputation, Vacation Comments: 0

Oh Canada

"Management by wandering around" explains a style of business administration which involves managers wandering around, in an unstructured manner, through the workplace to check with employees, equipment, or on the status of ongoing work.

There may be no other industry as appropriate for MBWA than travel and lodging.

Great managers must keep their fingers on every aspect of every dang little thing. Nothing can be taken for granted, everything must be inspected, schedules must be maintained and, no matter how diligent a company, some guests will want more than they pay for.

But you'll only know that if you talk to guests, staff, vendors, competitors and even the government. All this in hopes that changes can be detected to find opportunities or to avoid problems in the future.

That idea can be stretched to walking around other businesses too, so for a few weeks we have been wandering around British Columbia and Alberta, staying at or visiting great lodges, speaking to staff, and just watching their world go around.

It has been said that Canada and the US are countries born of common ancestors, separated by a common language. The differences in lodging management are subtle but noticeable.

Businesses cooperate together to promote their destination in ways that can seem lacking elsewhere. Employees seemed authorized to make good decisions.

This letter isn't to say that Canada has everything figured out. Turning on the television shows some of the same political skullduggery that exists in every country. People just don't agree on everything.

As we departed one lodge we saw the attractive young manager, who had taken time to talk on several occasions, walking around the property, policing the area, straightening things up.

Walking around Canada provides new insights we can use to make our business better every day.


The pace of change is accelerating. Here are some changes we noticed in Canada, specifically in the stunning mountain towns of Banff and Jasper.

TEXTILES: Each property had daily housekeeping an "option." Some said, "Call us if you want maid service or just towels." Or here is a $5 coupon for each day you don't ask for housekeeping.

COUPONS: The coupons were to their in-house restaurant. They save far more in cleaning labor than the cost of the food, probably $20.00 or more. And guests lined up early to cash in.

STAFFING: Half of the lodging and restaurant employees who served us were young Aussies. Companies recruit in Australia for seasonal staff. Young folks love the travel and come back year after year.

COSTS: Staffing in this way is not cheap, as employers pay for food and housing. At the incredible Columbia Ice Fields (www.BanffJasperCollection), where you can ride onto the glacier on giant wheeled vehicles, over 250 staff room in what they laughingly refer to as "The Ice Palace", but looks more like a very old college dorm stuffed with people.

WELCOME BOOKS: None of these pricey places had an in-house welcome book - but they all had gorgeous printed materials about all the other things they were anxious to sell you - boat trips, gondola rides, museum walks and, of course, their restaurants.

CUSTOMERS: Canada has a fast growing immigrant population and the diversity of travelers is everywhere. Many languages, styles of dress and behaviors. Some cultures travel in big family groups, while others dominate the ever present tour busses.

GENUINE: Every business wants every staff member to exude friendliness. Although there are dozens of restaurants in Banff alone, from fast food to fancy food, employees provide quick service without seeming to be hurried. This is management honoring their people.

HONOR CODE: Most businesses had famed "Codes of Honor" proclaiming how well they would treat you and including how well you must treat fellow customers and staff. We bumped into them in fancy hotels, low-cost restaurants, in bike shops, in museums and even in Starbucks.

GUEST TERMS: Having started as vacation rental owners, we have always felt that a clear set of terms was essential to foster good guest behavior. We have wondered if we ask too much, but then we seldom have a problem guest. Perhaps, we should call them the "Codes of Honor."

STRESS: Banff sees 4 million visitors a year and the small business core is alive with visitors. Jasper welcomes 2.5 million per year. Together this is a non-stop stream of inquisitive travelers who could overload a system, but there is little stress because both towns admit that tourism is what pays the bills. (And pays them well.)

In U.S. locations, there are always curmudgeons who want visitor income but would prefer that people stay away. American cities and counties who are chasing vacation rentals out of town are myopic.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0960 – 06/30/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Hi Tide Resort Nearby But Far From Seabrook

By Wm. May
Published: 06/11/23 Topics: Hi-Tide Resort, Moclips Beach WA, Ocean Shores WA, Pacific Beach, Seabrook Resort, Wildlife Comments: 1

We come to praise Seabrook Resort high on a hill a mile from the ocean and triple the price. Or stay at Hi-Tide Resort to be directly on the beach. Why not. Read more Read 1 comment

Sponsor: Hi-Tide Resort – You can't get any closer to the beach than this. comfy, cozy, modern condos at Hi-Tide-Resort on Moclips Beach WA State. –

Vacuum Cleaner - Lodging Newsletter May 31, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 05/31/23 Topics: Housekeeping, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0


Maybe it is the same in all industries nowadays. Maybe technology has changed everything. Or maybe 3 years of Covid discussion has just tuckered us all out.

But as we go into another spectacular sunny summer season, our super-pro staff will buckle up, hunker down, take a breath and jam out work 24/7/365. So we will separate the necessary details from the smiling reality. First the fun -

So is it time for a bit of housekeeper respect and appreciation?

If you take time to clean your vacuum, does that make you into a vacuum cleaner?

What did the broom say to the vacuum? I’m so tired of people pushing us around.

Salesman: “Ma’am, this vacuum cleaner is so great that it will cut all your work by half!” Housekeeper, “That’s fantastic! Give me two.”

Why was the broom late? Because it over-swept.

When two housekeepers could not decide whose turn it was to do the laundry, one threw in the towel.

Housework won’t kill you. But why take the chance?

To make cleaning festive, housekeepers build speaker boxes out of used laundry bottles. They sound super clean.

One of our housekeepers recently got a Ph.D. in washing machines. Now we call her a spin doctor.

What did one toilet say to the other toilet? “You look flushed.”

If you want to know housekeeper puns, be advised we have loads of them.


After all those corny housekeeping jokes, now some necessary monthly news.

Staffing - Our long-tenured partner managers are raring to go for summer, and with so many experienced and trained field staff we are ready for summer to ramp up.

Support - Office staff, too, are highly experienced and we have added some wonderful new people with specific skills. The goal is quicker response and even more advertising. Already more than anyone else.

Videos - Now that we have built up drone photos of geographic areas, we are compiling "establishing" videos of geographic areas such as mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans. The first step will be to install home page videos on many market websites. They are compelling.

Rates - Rates are not on a roller coaster. They are on more of a tilt-a-whirl ride. Covid caused both rates and occupancy to soar. Most markets have returned to normal seasonality, a few are still adjusting some in unusual ways.

Comparable - We are using extra comp-sets to see occupancy and rates for competing rentals. And we employ our ancient "drive by" survey in early evening to see which are booked and which are not. We seem to be ahead of the curve.

Topsy Turvey - AirBnB announced 50 improvements to their platform, shifting focus to room rentals. Seems odd for the focus to be on room rentals, but many things they do seem strange. They are reporting a decease in number of properties and their stock has plunged.

Corporate Managers - Large firms are also reporting a large "churn" rate of owners leaving their service. Their stock was already in the basement.

Fingers in Dike - Surprisingly there are hundreds of details that ensure safe, comfortable and profitable rentals. But we keep adding tools. The latest are further posted instructions on elocks and lock boxes, to ensure our 24/7 phone number cannot be missed and guests can always get inside.

Marquees - We are focusing more pop-up promotions on website home pages, along with email blasts. Although, we are the only manager still using conventional ticklers like post cards to bring home happy guests.

Help Desk - For owners and guests who need assistance, calling the main office number is always best. Emails are slower but we do answer them or get back ASAP.

- - - - -

And to sum it up (sorry, can’t help myself) - It has just been announced that the official anthem of housekeepers is - Another one fights the dust.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0959 – 05/31/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Permit Anarchy - Lodging Newsletter April 30, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 04/30/23 Topics: Government, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Technology is a wonderful thing. Not just today's ever-present software news and artificial intelligence, but the earlier technologies of telephones, radio, television, and even medicine.
Just a hundred years ago people died from diseases that today are cured with vaccines and affordable drugs. More people died of tuberculosis in history than there are people alive on the globe today. Just 100 years ago, the chance of dying from an impacted tooth was unacceptably high.
But technology, in the form of software, has also squashed us in many ways. In an earlier newsletter I made the case that Bill Gates (he being a stand-in for the entire software industry) was responsible for over-complicating  the world that we live in today.  
Until personal computers and word processing, lawmakers didn't draft laws that were hundreds of pages long, because editing, debating and changing the document was simply unwieldy. Laws could be understandable and enforceable.
The internet further added to the stew of confusion because it allows anyone and everyone to participate in government, or better said, to harass government officials  Was Ben Franklin clairvoyant when he said, "Freedom of the press should be reserved to those who can afford one"?
Thomas Jefferson, when asked a thorny question, said "It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, what business would it be of mine?"  He foresaw that the right of the individual should be paramount.
Sadly, today Jefferson's wisdom has been swept aside by cities and counties that grant themselves supreme power to manipulate every little aspect of our lives.
In the scheme of things, the vacation rental industry is not earth-shatteringly important. But even here bureaucrats embrace intricate schemes to usurp property owners' rights by limiting or prohibiting the renting of homes.
With the noose getting tighter on vacation rental rights, lodging managers and property owners now have no choice but to waste time and money to comply with unnecessary regulations that serve no valid purpose.  
This newsletter talks about those and urges every person to diligently protect their rights.
If common sense was common, then governments that provide regulation for regular property rentals, would draft regulations identical to those for short term rentals, but they do not. City and county councils, made of people with no experience in property rights (or governing in general), fabricate the silliest of ideas. Here are a few:
  • No vacation rental allowed within 1,000 feet of another rental.
  • Lighted exit signs are required on every door.
  • Have a wall map showing guests how to get out of the house.
  • Septic pipes should not be too low in the ground.
  • No neighborhood should have "too many" rentals.
  • Stopping short-term rentals will cause owners to rent their houses out affordably.
  • Occupancy should be severely limited.  
These ignorant ideas prove that officials have no valid goals and no experience in regulating housing. If you think some of these don’t seem too bad, remember the, "What's good for the goose is good for the gander" should apply. Those same politicians would never dream of imposing these rules on long-term rentals, or goodness sake, on their own homes. They enjoy the freedom while taking yours away.
These exclusionary regulations are not a far cry from others which were found to be reprehensible over time. Such as red-lining that discouraged mortgages to minorities and even deed covenants that harassed religions out of their neighborhoods.
Until such time as wiser minds make laws based on foundational ethics rather than discrimination, here is what property owners must do to protect their rental rights.
  • Never presume officials will treat you fairly.
  • Never believe that bureaucrats give a wit about you.
  • Organize local groups of owners to fight back.
  • Attend every government meeting about rentals and keep recordings.
  • Speak up vociferously against rental discrimination.
  • Make sure every application is pristinely prepared.
  • Keep copy of all documents, and forever.
  • Submit permits well before deadlines.
  • Phone officials repeatedly to check on approval.
  • Demands officials send notice of any regulation changes (by mail).
  • Disallow the use of unreliable emails for notices.
  • Invest in attorneys to challenge every incursion.
It has been said, "The way to never get in trouble is to never do anything wrong." That applies to how to win and keep a vacation rental permit. Keep homes well maintained, hospitality clean and overseen by local executive level managers.
These managers have years of experience at operating homes well, controlling guest behavior and being your local voice.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0958 – 04/30/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

The Hampton Wines Scholarship

By Wm. May
Published: 04/11/23 Topics: Aberdeen Washington, Education, Music, People, Self Improvement Comments: 0

A scholarship has been created for a man who taught thousands of music teachers far more than music. His dedicated and quality was a lucky fact for them all. Read more

Why Rules - Lodging Newsletter March 31, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 03/31/23 Topics: Education, Guest Behavior, Guest Management, Lodging Management, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0


It’s a good question. A fair question. Guests ask and property owners ask, too. Why are there rules?

In a perfect world we should expect that people would behave well without teaching them manners. In fact, in the hospitality industry (lodging, food service, events, activities) most consumers do comport themselves fairly well.

But not everyone.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to determine which customers will be respectful and considerate and which one of them might not be.

So, like all organizations, it is necessary to outline rules and regulations, to communicate to those guests (repeatedly), to include those requirements in legal terms, and then - very rarely - to enforce them. These rules can be thought of as "Fingers in the Dike".

The tale. "A little Dutch boy saw a small crack in a dam. Knowing the crack, if not repaired, could cause the dam to break, he put his finger in the hole, staying all night in the cold until adults found him and patched the hole. He saved the entire village."

Over decades of managing guests, by learning to plug every little weakness that a visitor might find to do something negative, we are less likely to suffer from that unknown one person who misbehaves.

To avoid offending well-meaning guests, rules must be presented in a friendly manner and explained should they ask. To the vast majority of people who don't need to be told, properly presented regulations are not offensive and barely noticeable.

But to that one person who might pose a problem, our methods of communicating can decrease the chance of negative outcomes.

In the attached newsletter are a list of just a few of the fingers we put in the dike.


Call them "rules" or "house-rules," or "guest rules", or legal "terms and conditions," Vacation Rental Managers who use proven mechanical procedures, produce safer operations.

Advertising - Describing a property affectionately and in full detail attracts guests. But it also should inform guests of details which make the property unique, helping them to select the property most appropriate for them - the property that best meets their needs.

Disclosures - If a home has security cameras, nosey neighbors or a front-desk check-in, these comfort some guests but warn others they will be watched (we highly recommend against doorbell cams because they result in negative reviews).

Channels - AirBnB, VRBO and others are slowly distancing guests from properties. They want to make a commission on the booking but worry guests will book direct.

Book Online - Guests love to make reservations on websites or mobile devices. Whether on our websites or thru channels, our staff telephones or emails guests to offer friendly services, but also nicely notify guests they are to follow the rules.

Sleeps Normal, Sleeps Maximum - We explain occupancy as "Normal" (how many can stay for the rental rate). "Sleeps" is for the places for people to sleep. "Maximum" is if babies and toddlers can be above sleeps. Together these subtly inform customers that the number of occupants is being counted.

Per-Person-Cleaning (PPC) - A base rate for normal occupancy, with a small additional fee per night per disclosed guest generates a bit of income. Better yet, the legal terms can specify a much higher fee for "undisclosed" guests . This is to dissuade guests from knowingly violating occupancy.

Registration- This euphemism describes the kind of "sign up" that hotels required when guests check-in at a front desk - to know the registering guest's name, address, phone and email. Guests should not be anonymous.

E-Contract - Where not prohibited by the channel, guests are required to click and easily sign for their stay, done instantly on our websites and requested via email for channel bookings. Other Managers who shun e-signatures put their properties at greater risk.

Check-In - Guests are to confirm bookings 24 hours in advance, and to telephone upon arrival. Many do not, but this impresses upon them that their behavior is being observed.

Notices - House rules are posted prominently inside the property. Additional, small professional signs warn of no-smoking, quiet-hours and more.

Devices - Sound, Wi-Fi and mobile phone signal detectors are an option that can legally monitor guest occupancy and sound without being obvious.

Terms - In most states, guests who stay for less than 30 days are not "Tenants", and if necessary can be ordered to depart on immediate notice. Doing so is rare, but Managers know the law and will take action to have guests removed if necessary.

As with any public business, Managers can guarantee that all these steps will prevent a difficult Guest from violating the rules. But Managers who skip steps put homes at increased risk.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0957 – 03/31/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

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DETAILS: We work to keep this information up to date, but details do change from time to time based on circumstances, often on short notice, and sometimes beyond our control. To verify any answer or other information you may need, please call or email us anytime. Allow a reasonable amount of time for response. Only legitimate inquiries will be answered.