Bill's Beneficial Blog

Does anyone really read the millions of blogs out there? Or are they really just a ploy to entice Google for a bit more ranking or space? Every other ad agency blog is going to be all about how great they are, why they are the smartest and other clearly self promoting stuff.

So we decided to just write about what interests us. Our only hope is that - every now and then - you find a nugget that is a slight value for you. We hope. If you want to get these rantings in your inbox every so often, Signup to get emails. Here goes.

Oh Canada - Lodging Newsletter June 30, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 06/30/23 Topics: Education, Hotels, Housekeeping, Inns, Lodging Newsletter, Reputation, Vacation Comments: 0

Oh Canada

"Management by wandering around" explains a style of business administration which involves managers wandering around, in an unstructured manner, through the workplace to check with employees, equipment, or on the status of ongoing work.

There may be no other industry as appropriate for MBWA than travel and lodging.

Great managers must keep their fingers on every aspect of every dang little thing. Nothing can be taken for granted, everything must be inspected, schedules must be maintained and, no matter how diligent a company, some guests will want more than they pay for.

But you'll only know that if you talk to guests, staff, vendors, competitors and even the government. All this in hopes that changes can be detected to find opportunities or to avoid problems in the future.

That idea can be stretched to walking around other businesses too, so for a few weeks we have been wandering around British Columbia and Alberta, staying at or visiting great lodges, speaking to staff, and just watching their world go around.

It has been said that Canada and the US are countries born of common ancestors, separated by a common language. The differences in lodging management are subtle but noticeable.

Businesses cooperate together to promote their destination in ways that can seem lacking elsewhere. Employees seemed authorized to make good decisions.

This letter isn't to say that Canada has everything figured out. Turning on the television shows some of the same political skullduggery that exists in every country. People just don't agree on everything.

As we departed one lodge we saw the attractive young manager, who had taken time to talk on several occasions, walking around the property, policing the area, straightening things up.

Walking around Canada provides new insights we can use to make our business better every day.


The pace of change is accelerating. Here are some changes we noticed in Canada, specifically in the stunning mountain towns of Banff and Jasper.

TEXTILES: Each property had daily housekeeping an "option." Some said, "Call us if you want maid service or just towels." Or here is a $5 coupon for each day you don't ask for housekeeping.

COUPONS: The coupons were to their in-house restaurant. They save far more in cleaning labor than the cost of the food, probably $20.00 or more. And guests lined up early to cash in.

STAFFING: Half of the lodging and restaurant employees who served us were young Aussies. Companies recruit in Australia for seasonal staff. Young folks love the travel and come back year after year.

COSTS: Staffing in this way is not cheap, as employers pay for food and housing. At the incredible Columbia Ice Fields (www.BanffJasperCollection), where you can ride onto the glacier on giant wheeled vehicles, over 250 staff room in what they laughingly refer to as "The Ice Palace", but looks more like a very old college dorm stuffed with people.

WELCOME BOOKS: None of these pricey places had an in-house welcome book - but they all had gorgeous printed materials about all the other things they were anxious to sell you - boat trips, gondola rides, museum walks and, of course, their restaurants.

CUSTOMERS: Canada has a fast growing immigrant population and the diversity of travelers is everywhere. Many languages, styles of dress and behaviors. Some cultures travel in big family groups, while others dominate the ever present tour busses.

GENUINE: Every business wants every staff member to exude friendliness. Although there are dozens of restaurants in Banff alone, from fast food to fancy food, employees provide quick service without seeming to be hurried. This is management honoring their people.

HONOR CODE: Most businesses had famed "Codes of Honor" proclaiming how well they would treat you and including how well you must treat fellow customers and staff. We bumped into them in fancy hotels, low-cost restaurants, in bike shops, in museums and even in Starbucks.

GUEST TERMS: Having started as vacation rental owners, we have always felt that a clear set of terms was essential to foster good guest behavior. We have wondered if we ask too much, but then we seldom have a problem guest. Perhaps, we should call them the "Codes of Honor."

STRESS: Banff sees 4 million visitors a year and the small business core is alive with visitors. Jasper welcomes 2.5 million per year. Together this is a non-stop stream of inquisitive travelers who could overload a system, but there is little stress because both towns admit that tourism is what pays the bills. (And pays them well.)

In U.S. locations, there are always curmudgeons who want visitor income but would prefer that people stay away. American cities and counties who are chasing vacation rentals out of town are myopic.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0960 – 06/30/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Vacuum Cleaner - Lodging Newsletter May 31, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 05/31/23 Topics: Housekeeping, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0


Maybe it is the same in all industries nowadays. Maybe technology has changed everything. Or maybe 3 years of Covid discussion has just tuckered us all out.

But as we go into another spectacular sunny summer season, our super-pro staff will buckle up, hunker down, take a breath and jam out work 24/7/365. So we will separate the necessary details from the smiling reality. First the fun -

So is it time for a bit of housekeeper respect and appreciation?

If you take time to clean your vacuum, does that make you into a vacuum cleaner?

What did the broom say to the vacuum? I’m so tired of people pushing us around.

Salesman: “Ma’am, this vacuum cleaner is so great that it will cut all your work by half!” Housekeeper, “That’s fantastic! Give me two.”

Why was the broom late? Because it over-swept.

When two housekeepers could not decide whose turn it was to do the laundry, one threw in the towel.

Housework won’t kill you. But why take the chance?

To make cleaning festive, housekeepers build speaker boxes out of used laundry bottles. They sound super clean.

One of our housekeepers recently got a Ph.D. in washing machines. Now we call her a spin doctor.

What did one toilet say to the other toilet? “You look flushed.”

If you want to know housekeeper puns, be advised we have loads of them.


After all those corny housekeeping jokes, now some necessary monthly news.

Staffing - Our long-tenured partner managers are raring to go for summer, and with so many experienced and trained field staff we are ready for summer to ramp up.

Support - Office staff, too, are highly experienced and we have added some wonderful new people with specific skills. The goal is quicker response and even more advertising. Already more than anyone else.

Videos - Now that we have built up drone photos of geographic areas, we are compiling "establishing" videos of geographic areas such as mountains, lakes, rivers, oceans. The first step will be to install home page videos on many market websites. They are compelling.

Rates - Rates are not on a roller coaster. They are on more of a tilt-a-whirl ride. Covid caused both rates and occupancy to soar. Most markets have returned to normal seasonality, a few are still adjusting some in unusual ways.

Comparable - We are using extra comp-sets to see occupancy and rates for competing rentals. And we employ our ancient "drive by" survey in early evening to see which are booked and which are not. We seem to be ahead of the curve.

Topsy Turvey - AirBnB announced 50 improvements to their platform, shifting focus to room rentals. Seems odd for the focus to be on room rentals, but many things they do seem strange. They are reporting a decease in number of properties and their stock has plunged.

Corporate Managers - Large firms are also reporting a large "churn" rate of owners leaving their service. Their stock was already in the basement.

Fingers in Dike - Surprisingly there are hundreds of details that ensure safe, comfortable and profitable rentals. But we keep adding tools. The latest are further posted instructions on elocks and lock boxes, to ensure our 24/7 phone number cannot be missed and guests can always get inside.

Marquees - We are focusing more pop-up promotions on website home pages, along with email blasts. Although, we are the only manager still using conventional ticklers like post cards to bring home happy guests.

Help Desk - For owners and guests who need assistance, calling the main office number is always best. Emails are slower but we do answer them or get back ASAP.

- - - - -

And to sum it up (sorry, can’t help myself) - It has just been announced that the official anthem of housekeepers is - Another one fights the dust.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0959 – 05/31/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Problem Solving - Lodging Newsletter November 30, 2021

By Wm, May
Published: 11/30/21 Topics: Housekeeping, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Problem Solving

Please be warned.

As the year marches on, it is high time to expose some unusual events and hidden secrets of the smallest kind. They are invisible behaviors that only a very few people know and even less would ever discover.

These are actions that are kept hidden away, not admitted, not promoted, not recognized with accolades, and not even known to our clients.

So, here is the secret:

We have a team of incredible, reliable and conscientious people.

And have had for decades.

These are the folks who have worked together long and hard, who have marched forward for decades every day of the year, and who did exactly the same thing even as Mr. Covid barged into their lives intent on making their always difficult jobs far more so.

Small competitors failed. Big competitors tripped up. But our business accelerated because our people did.

We are so lucky to employ these wonderful folks who have never waivered during these odd times. So it is time to expose just a few of their super secrets.


These are secrets of the not very rich and not very famous who deserve to be both rich and famous. Here then we tell everyone a few of the scenarios that have taken place while everyone else cowered down.

Careless Contractor - An owner with a newly built home was understandably unhappy with her contractor when severe winter storms blew water sideways into and around every improperly sealed door. In the middle of the maelstrom, one of our resourceful maintenance pros caulked every possible crevice. That avoided thousands of dollars in damage.

Lost Every Key - When a guest managed to lock every key they were given inside the house at 2AM, a chipper staff member jumped out of bed, drove 20 miles, and provided yet another key. A simple thing that other managers shirk, but we do not.

Surprise Visit - When Covid came unannounced, every field staff member double-checked every step in our hospitality clean service, and continued to clean and host guests from far and wide. No one got sick. Now, two years later the caution has never lessened.

Rate Riding - During Covid, big managers had major layoffs, but our rate experts manned the fort and were well ahead in the game as business resumed. Others sold out at half price. We sold out at double price. All because team members never waived.

Double Up - Owners loved that occupancy and rates went up so fast, but accounting, the guest services and after hours help also doubled. No staffer complained because it simply had to be done.

Stepping Up - Covid caused housekeepers for many rent-by-owners to jump ship, leaving those owners with bookings and no help. Even though they were not yet clients, our team helped all they could and on short notice. Just the neighborly thing to do.

Lost in Space - A mother feared she had lost her baby's favorite stuffed animal, until staff found it, cherished it, and rushed to her by overnight shipping. It made Mom as happy as it made us.

Early Bird - When the guest arrived a full day early to a home vacated that very morning, our team of professionals rushed to the house to ready it yet again, with no notice. Sure, they were ready to go home, but more ready to help a guest with no place to go.

Over and Over - At the height of the pandemic, when one home's bookings cancelled and rebooked seven times, reservation staff retained their cheerful helpful voices and even produced ever higher rates. More work, but more income for the owner.

Government Grab - As cities and counties adopt silly time-consuming regulations one of our leaders burned the midnight oil to provide mounds of documents and did it with heaps of happy attention to detail.

Simply Service - Guests could not decipher the TV remote controls at 1AM and demanded help. Not only did the manager drive to the house to help, she made the guests believe she was enjoying the experience. Because she did, and always does.

If you guess this newsletter was not really written for property owners, you are correct. It fact it is a salute to the amazing people who work here. Thanks to all of them.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0853 – 11/30/21

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Adapting to Change - Lodging Newsletter September 30, 2020

By Wm, May
Published: 09/30/20 Topics: Behavior, Housekeeping, Lodging Newsletter, Vacation Rental Management, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0


A funny thing happened on the way to the Covid mess..

Ok, there is nothing funny about Covid, but there have been numerous changes to the world in general and to lodging in particular which are unexpected or even bizarre. This letters explain what they mean to property owners and how we have adapted to the upheaval.

After the March deluge of cancellations, bookings surged greater than ever before. There are many factors, but the biggest one is people just wanted to "get out of town" and driving-to destinations won out.

Staying in a private home or small lodging facility allowed guests to remain socially distant and yet allowed them to get into the out of doors.

With shopping, restaurants, movies, and other past activities prohibited, "discretionary income" actually increases for folks still employed.

For these and other reasons, rental income grew for most homes but management had to recognize and adjust many other factors. Some of these alterations had been inching into existence before Covid, but it escalated the changes.

Some changes require property owners to recognize and adapt to them fast in order to accommodate the many new guests anxious to rent their homes. Owners who accept change will prosper. Those who don't will lose out.


TREND - Vacation Rental popularity has grown steadily for two decades, right through the world shaking events of 9-11 and the economic travails of the 2007-2008 real estate depression. Once guests try a vacation rental, they stay at hotels less, and our industry grows.

NEWBIES - This summer, additional guests who had never rented a vacation home before were booking. Those "Samplers" will permanently embrace rentals just as those did before.

But first-timers are always sensitive to every little thing. They make incorrect presumptions about what a rental is and is not. They expect 24-7 service, they complain if the weather is bad, and if there is not a 100 quart baking pan in the home. As before, the solution is to provide ever increasing amenities, more service, and higher hospitality for those traveling to relieve stress and strain in their lives.

SENSITIVITY - Every lodging manager strives to keep guests happy. A decade ago, the arrival of online guest reviews made that mandatory. Covid sensitivity increased illegitimate comments

HOUSEKEEPING - Our cleaning has always exceeded guidelines, but we increased training reminders and rewarded staff. Newbies ask lots of questions, so we answer them over and over again.

MAINTENANCE - Our staff always seek to fix every little thing very fast. But if something larger breaks - such as a water heater - now it must be replaced same day. Notifying owners in advance takes a backseat to taking care of maintenance wiki wiki (quick) as they say in Hawaii.

AMENITIES - Owners got to decide what amenities they offer in their homes including Internet, Cable TV, and local phones. Now they have no choice. With work-at-home and study-at-home, an owner who omits any required amenities loses tens of thousands of dollars per year. For some it is time to join the current world.

LATE BOOKINGS - Decades ago guests booked far in advance, often six months to a year. Although the "booking window" has decreased over the years, Covid bookings are made a few days or a few weeks prior to arrival.

RATES - In March our Robust S2D2 Yield Management software said, "Hey where did demand go?" but we held rates and waited. Early May it said, "Demand is skyrocketing. I am raising rates." Each morning we followed the Las Vegas idiom to "let it ride" watching rates go ever upward.

EARLY - LATE - With Covid cleanliness concerns, it is odd that many more demand early arrivals and late departures. Our methods of managing requests proved even more valuable during this time.

INSTANTEOUS - Guests have always expected quick service, but Covid demands instantaneous. Forgot the code? Answer the phone and give it to them (again.) Power goes out? Determine if it's wide spread. Need local restaurants? Provide the answer cheerfully of course. Forgot driving directions/? Stay on the phone and direct them step by step.

GROWTH - Projecting income was impossible but beginning in April, dates booked up last minute and owners made more money than ever before. Covid has turned the world and specialty lodging on its ear yet again. Managers who adapt fast will see owner income soar.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0790 – 09/30/20

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Hope is Not a Plan - Lodging Newsletter April 30, 2020

By Wm, May
Published: 04/30/20 Topics: Covid-19 Virus, Housekeeping, Lodging Newsletter, Yield Management Comments: 0


Several years ago the musical group Grateful Dead wrote "What a Long Strange Trip it Has Been." Little did anyone know how strange it might be.

Lodging suffered the effect of the 9/11 tragedy and the 2008 real estate depression. Now the Covid-19 pandemic is another new labyrinth to navigate.

For years, lodging management has kept getting more intricate, demanding time for previously unnecessary tasks like text messages from guests wanting early check-ins who don't have the courtesy to telephone. Emails 24/7 expecting instant response. Time to review every guest online.

Now every guests wants assurances, before booking that homes are fully sanitized and disinfected.

Of course we have been doing "Happy Hospitality Housekeeping" since our first office opened in 1964. It's nothing new. We spend hundreds of hours talking with people who are scared, rightfully so. Add counselor to our list of titles.

A wise man once said, "Hope is not a plan, but without a plan, there is little hope." Luckily our long standing contingencies and experience has allowed us to run far ahead of the competition during Covid-19.

We can not expect property owners to understand the hours and stress that the Covid pandemic has inflicted on lodging, but we can hope they appreciate our staff who have worked double time to take care of their properties and the plan to make them money as the craziness lessens.


Bad News - In March guests started cancelling everything, online travel agencies were over-riding cancellation policies, and governments were telling people not to go on vacation. The time to speak with every guest, to cancel bookings, and to do bookkeeping doubled the work.

Optimistic - We did not dare hope for a rebound but chose to accelerate spending on advertising, staffing, software services, website hosting, and many other costs. The phrase "All In" applies.

Good News - Plans can't predict the future, but they can predict readiness. As the onslaught of new bookings has arrived, we are again working double time to get back all the bookings that were lost.

New Rules - Advertising on hundreds of websites with differing rules required our software engineers to labor long, often overnight, to adapt functions, and to avoid guest confusion. For example, we can now put in bumper dates between bookings to allow for extra cleaning time.

In the Trenches - Every staff member is overwhelmed with related work. Housekeepers and maintenance pros are working their tails off. If homeowners have not tipped before, now is the time.

S2D2 - Our pricing algorithms (and the scientists who ride herd) received confusing signals in predicting future rates and occupancy. Competitors were plummeting prices trying to sell to guests who were not going to visit under any circumstance.

Version 3.0 - Coincidentally the latest version of our "Studied, Strategic, Dynamic, and Distribute" (S2D2) rate tools came on line in April, allowing us to react quickly to the market. Rates are moving up and down even faster than ever. No one knows what the future will yield, but our science can get owners more than their "fair share."

Late Bookings - The national trend for "Drive-To" destinations does have a downside and that is guests are not booking far ahead. Decades ago as visitors departed from their rental, they booked the following year to return. The 2008 recession shortened pre-booking, but Covid has made it skyrocket. Most guests want to go next week or the week after.

Competition - Online Travel Agents are laying off thousands of employees; 3,000 alone at Airbnb! Major management companies have fired up to 90% of their staff. One company with 2,500 homes shut down completely. Too bad for their clients they did not have a plan.

Negotiators - Now that business is picking up, every guest asks more questions and then almost everyone tries to get a discount. Americans have become like other societies where every purchase is negotiable.

Predictions - Summer is starting to fill in, but no one can predict income for the entire year and not even for the summer. We have a plan and are working on it every day. So far so good.

Amateurs - People who think about being a self-managed "Rent by Owner" never know the insane amount of labor, hours, and expertise necessary to succeed. HomeAway says it only takes 541 hours per year per house to "Do it Yourself".. Jeez.

Many RBO's have thrown in the towel or are selling their homes. We get calls for help everyday and all because we planned ahead. That is what good managers do.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0750 – 04/30/20

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Clean, Wipe, Soak, Scrub, Brush, Scour, Polish

By Ron Lee
Published: 04/18/20 Topics: Covid-19 Virus, Housekeeping, Lodging Management Comments: 0

Our first office started cleaning and sanitizing vacation rental homes for over 50 years. Rup a dub dub. We know the products to use, and clean tiny thing in every home no matter how bit. Read more

Indentured Servitude Comes to Vacation Rentals

By William May
Published: 12/01/17 Topics: Employment, Housekeeping, Vacation Rental Management Comments: 0

Was Susie really just a disgruntled employee? Not really. For years she drank the "upward mobility" poison that corporate workers have been swallowing for years. That working long and hard will benefit them in the long run. Did it? Read more

Monster Trucks - Lodging Newsletter November 30th, 2017

By Wm. May
Published: 11/30/17 Topics: Advertising, Dynamic Rates, Housekeeping, Lodging Newsletter, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

Jeff Bainer of Kittitas County Washington State may know nothing about the vacation rental industry, but he does know all about monster trucks.

The Yakima Herald-Republic newspaper reports that Bainer is a member of the Monster Truck Hall of Fame. Who knew there was such a thing?

Fans of monster trucks know of Jeff's first truck "Hot Stuff" which was launched in 1986, and later rebuilt into a humongous red jeep, said to be the world's largest.

Today he considers himself to be semi-retired because he transports, races and wins "only" 17 events per year, around the country. Who knew there were even that many?.

Bainer makes a comment that is just as relevant to the Vacation Rental business as it is to monster trucks. "Our industry has changed so much in the last three years." It has gone from an industry of independent drives to one dominated by a single company.

As the vacation rental industry has also morphed into something different than what it was just a few years ago. Luckily for us, the big guys are making big mistakes. Smaller vacation rental managers who band together have far more to offer by operating locally while also marketing globally.


Just like Monster Trucks, Vacation Rental management is changing fast. Innovation has always been at the heart of business. In some industries bigger can be better, but vacation rentals are the opposite. It requires stellar onsite services combined with today's technological tools to advertise globally.

Big Company #1 - has been around for decades, being sold from one conglomerate to another, charging high commissions and loading their overhead with "executives" who do more talking than they do cleaning toilets. Today the company is again for sale to the highest corporate bidder. No where do they promote the sale as better for property owners and guests. In effect, they are selling their property owners short.

Big Company #2 - Likes to buy up local competitors and then discard the local personal touch. They promise technological competence and dynamic pricing which is really no different than what savvy local managers can provide. They offer a comprehensive fee, but supplant it with undisclosed fees, resulting in a large class action law suit. Staff members come and go resulting in HUNDREDS of livid online complaints.

Big Company #3 - Offers a low commission but "manages" from hundreds or thousands of miles away. Owners are forced to find local housekeepers, maintenance staff and hosts because, as the Big 3# spins it, those people are cheap and desperate to work for you. How predatory. The heart of every lodging are the hard-working, loyal, committed and friendly people who do the heavy lifting and are on call 24/7. Then when this company gets a complaint, they blame it on the owner and the local staff.

Big Company #4 - Also promises a lower commission and secret technology to advertise rentals worldwide and on major websites. They fail to admit that all top local managers can now meet or beat their advertising distribution, dynamic rates and photos. They also fail to disclose that they are encumbered with greedy venture capital that requires growth at all costs, even if their services are not up to snuff locally.

Our Company - If you like some of the big company capabilities, but fear the lack of personal local service to care of your valuable vacation home, there is good news. We offer the best of both worlds.

Our well tenured local partners live nearby to keep close track of your place. Our world-class back office professionals provide compelling websites, superior software, dynamic rates, stunning HDR photos as well as 3D tours, not to mention courteous quick sales and reservations, topped off with attentive guest and owner services. Although our first office opened in 1964, we have tech tools none of the big guys have even dreamed of yet.

For our clients we must admit the industry is not perfect and duties are relentless, but we promise to keep investing more time, money and commitment per house than those big guys.

If you are not yet a client, we make you the same promise - lower fees and greater service. Call today. Why wait?

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0572 – 11/30/17

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Hire a Crack Head to Clean your Home

By William May
Published: 03/01/17 Topics: Housekeeping, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0

Not all job applicants will be dedicated to our industry. Many applicants just want a quick buck to pay for their habits. That is more common than you might imagine. And home owner will never know until the druggie goes missing along with assets from their home. Read more

DETAILS: We work to keep this information up to date, but details do change from time to time based on circumstances, often on short notice, and sometimes beyond our control. To verify any answer or other information you may need, please call or email us anytime. Allow a reasonable amount of time for response. Only legitimate inquiries will be answered.