Bill's Beneficial Blog
Does anyone really read the millions of blogs out there? Or are they really just a ploy to entice Google for a bit more ranking or space? Every other ad agency blog is going to be all about how great they are, why they are the smartest and other clearly self promoting stuff.
So we decided to just write about what interests us. Our only hope is that - every now and then - you find a nugget that is a slight value for you. We hope. If you want to get these rantings in your inbox every so often, Signup to get emails. Here goes.
The Hampton Wines Scholarship
By Wm. May
Published: 04/11/23
Topics: Aberdeen Washington, Education, Music, People, Self Improvement
Comments: 0
A scholarship has been created for a man who taught thousands of music teachers far more than music. His dedicated and quality was a lucky fact for them all. Read more
Sneaky Band Instructor Steals the Show
By Wm. May
Published: 10/14/19
Topics: Aberdeen Washington, Education, Music, People, Self Improvement
Comments: 0
Every now and then you get to revisit the past and mine included music. Although that life is far behind, I hope the lessens I learned are not forgotten. And there is a long play music album that proves it. Read more
Happiness - Lodging Newsletter September 30th 2018
By Wm. May
Published: 12/23/18
Topics: Education, Employment, Lodging Newsletter, People, Reputation
Comments: 0
Don’t you just love positive people? How about people who always have a smile on their face?
There are people who rise to every occasion, no matter the obstacles. They are indeed a rare group. However, there is an even more unusual set of people: those who take on all challenges, who work hard dealing with difficult people yet still manage a genuine grin regardless of the circumstances.
We are truly lucky to have an entire staff of people just like that.
We are in the business of making guests and property owners happy. The only way to do that is to never lose our tempers, never hide from responsibility, to empathize with others, to go the extra mile and - most importantly - to smile every day as appreciation for all we have and all we do.
Therefore, this month the update message is special. Go ahead and sing the tune on the next page. You'll be amazed at how happy it makes you (us too)!
Today's world is full of negativity, aspersions, and personal attacks. This is nothing new. There have always been negative people but there has also always been some people, a smaller number, who always manage to remain positive.
We strive to be the latter.
We must admit we have no secret methods, no genius insights and can not presume to tell others what do to. Instead, we spend every day striving to be kind and courteous and upbeat.
A good place to start is here. Just sing it out loud. Feel free to dance a little too.
If you're positive and you like it, be kind today (kind today)
If you're positive and you like it, be kind today (kind today)
If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it
If you're positive and you like it, be kind today (kind today)
If you're positive and you like it, laugh and grin (laugh and grin)
If you're positive and you like it, laugh and grin (laugh and grin)
If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it
If you're positive and you like it, laugh and grin (laugh and grin)
If you're positive and you like it, it comes around (comes round)
If you're positive and you like it, it comes around (comes round)
If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it
If you're positive and you like it, it comes around (comes round)
If you're positive and you like it, admit all three (kind today, laugh and grin, comes round)
If you're positive and you like it, admit all three (kind today, laugh and grin, comes round)
If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it
If you're positive and you like it, admit all three (kind today, laugh and grin, comes round)
- - - - -
It is theorized that the song "If You're Happy" originated from the tune "Molodejnaya", a song from the 1938 Soviet musical film Volga-Volga. Though it was copyrighted by Joseph Guilherme Raposo, best known for his work on the children's television series Sesame Street.
How can we not smile knowing things like this?
Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0626 – 12/23/18Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Be Nice Or They Will Spit In Your Food
By Wm. May
Published: 03/28/18
Topics: Behavior, Cooking, Music, People, Self Improvement
Comments: 0
It is too easy to believe that the world has changed, that it has become less predictable and that human beings have become less considerate, more harsh, more uncaring. Although I surely hope that is not true, remembering a warning from long ago, tells me things don't really change. Read more
Wisdom from Catherine the Great
By Wm. May
Published: 01/09/17
Topics: Education, Gratitude, People, Self Improvement
Comments: 1
She had an undeniable presence, a commanding personality, an elegance with words. She had worked in difficult situations and been a force for good. Then she schooled me in how to be and how to try. Read more Read 1 comment
Oprah is an Alien And Other Internet Facts
By William May
Published: 01/04/16
Topics: People, Reputation
Comments: 0
Randy Jones from San Antonio lives with 1,000 cats all named Wilbur. Cindy Rigmore from Alberta has lived her entire life on a diet of egg shells and whiskey, and is 91 years old. There is a man in Sherwood Forest who calls himself Robin Hood, but lives in a mobile home. It is true if it is on the Internet. Read more
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