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Shakespeare - Lodging Newsletter August 31, 2023

By Wm, May
Published: 08/31/23 Topics: Education, Events, Lodging Newsletter, Things To Do Comments: 0


Years ago my wife and I jumped into our trusty Volvo and drove eight hours straight to Ashland, Oregon for my first glimpse of the Oregon Shakespearian Festival with its replica of the Globe Theatre from Shakespeare’s lifetime. It’s an outdoor Elizabethan Theatre that seats 1,190 people each night April through October.

We rushed into our seats just as the lights went down, to be immersed in a magical night of King Lear in which, at last, the genius of William Shakespeare revealed itself in ways that reading the text did not.

In the stunning cocoon of theatre under the stars, and along with what surely must be the most beautifully functional indoor theatre seating anywhere, in an intimate 200 seat playhouse, we gorged on 8 plays in 5 days. 2PM and 8PM.

The festival sells 360,000 tickets between April and December each year providing the quaint town of Ashland, Oregon an economic foundation that supports world class restaurants and bars, and a variety of other arts offerings, too. It is the largest not-for-profit theatre organization in the country.

Wonderful inns, hotels, vacation rentals and bed and breakfasts (the real kind not the faux AirBnB kind) dot the town and the valley.

All together some 2,800 people fill every seat every day so strolling around town and the Lithia Park that meanders up the small valley below the theatre never feels crowded and helps burn off dinner before a night of drama.

If you think you don’t like stuffy old Bill Shakespeare’s plays, I wonder if you have ever seen his unforgettable stories of love, tragedy and spiritual transformation of people as they were meant to be seen and felt.

In the world of business, and in lodging in particular, there are things to learn from the Ashland organization. Having started in 1935, it proves that wondrous things can be done by spirited people who love what they do.

Every day we try to think just like that.


How about I try to connect live theater to live vacation rental management with a few quotes from plays four centuries past.

All the world’s a stage. (Preparation) Ninety percent of vacation rental work is done before the guests ever arrive, just as it is with a play. Perfect practice makes perfect. Advertise absolutely everywhere, answer the phones and provide guest service everyday of the year, with 24-7 support.

What’s past is prologue. (Continuity) The joy in watching guests depart happy just means a new group is soon to arrive. No time to celebrate knowing the process is to be repeated endlessly.

The play’s the thing. (Writing) In lodging, managers must compose every policy, method, and responsibility well in advance. No ad libbing, no seat of the pants. Determine what to do before attempting to do it.

This blessed plot. (Planning) Managing vacation homes of every size and shape, in various locations and seasons is greatly intricate. Hundreds of things can happen. Everyone of which must be learned, planned for and - most important - documented for training and policies.

Merely players. (Casting) The actor chosen to play King Lear must be 80 years old. Likewise hospitality staff must be born to the calling - of being hospitable. It can be taught by experts, and learned, but is often best from people born to help others.

Experience is by industry achieved. (Staffing) Lodging requires industrious cleaners, resolute reservationists, innovative advertisers, attentive accountants and guest services open 24-7-365 (just like ushers helping patrons find their seats).

Proceed in practice. (Pursuit) Perfect practice makes perfect. It can never stop and never waiver. Review what is done, make corrections, align to the future. Homes must be well kept, always maintained and repaired quickly.

What’s timely done. (Scheduling) The play must start on time. The homes must be cleaned and ready for arrivals on time 40 to 100 times a year. No matter the weather, or traffic, or interruptions.

He smiles, methinks. (Serving) Not every consumer is a nice person. Most are, which is what makes the industry so enjoyable. But anticipating what customers may want allows us to be ready to be helpful. But no matter what, we must smile and be grateful.

Tickled with good success. (Results) When we complete the neverending lodging tasks, duties, and effort, the rewards are financial gains for property owners and smiles from slumbering guests. The endless list of obligations makes it happen.

All’s well that ends well. (Success) Step-by-step, part-by-part, business in general, travel, and lodging in particular can only be judged after each stay, to see homes perform as investments, to see guests enjoy their stay, and appreciate what we have done.

A very serious business calls. (Ending) Like all good plays, even newsletters must end. There is other work to be done. You have probably had enough already of things Shakespeare uttered now twisted to this purpose.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0967 – 08/31/23

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

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