Bill's Beneficial Blog
Does anyone really read the millions of blogs out there? Or are they really just a ploy to entice Google for a bit more ranking or space? Every other ad agency blog is going to be all about how great they are, why they are the smartest and other clearly self promoting stuff.
So we decided to just write about what interests us. Our only hope is that - every now and then - you find a nugget that is a slight value for you. We hope. If you want to get these rantings in your inbox every so often, Signup to get emails. Here goes.
Getting Fired Talk More - Lodging Newsletter October 13th, 2014
By William May
Published: 10/15/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Hooray, Hooray. October is official "Deep Cleaning & Property Survey" month. More about that below.
We are gearing up for Fall and Holiday bookings. In Leavenworth we're going through Oktoberfest or, as some call it, Oktober Crush.
At the beaches, Clam Dig seasons have been announced, just in time for guests to track in all the possible sand they can. At the mountains skiers are praying for snow.
Response to this week's Insider is mandatory, or you will be charge $1,000 per week to get them. (Just click on your hand email "Reply" button.)
William May
Vortex Organization
Deep Cleans & Surveys - Attached are two forms that are to be filled out for every home you work on. Reach the Deep Clean checklist carefully indicating what needs to be done. The Survey is your wish list of fixes, improvements and updates you would love to have the owners do (include a price for anything you can do.)
Then fax or scan/email those off to Seattle. We will send them out to owners with a letter to get approval. After which you can start working.
>>> Please get these done within a week so we can schedule this week during the slower times.
Inspections - Now when we travel we do inspections of every unit. Most are good, but some need extra work. If you get a written inspection, take quick action and respond right away.
Talk More - Changes are inevitable. Schedules change. New issues arise. All of it is 100% manageable if - and only if - we communicate.
If you are scheduled to do something there are only two options (1) Do it and on time or (2) let people know well in advance if you can not do it. Voicemails don't count. Email's and texting don't count. You must communicate by phone or in person. You must try diligently to reach the person.
Getting Fired - Being in a service business property owners hold us highly accountable. They don't understand when we don't talk with each other. If you have a problem telephone the other person repeatedly to collaborate.
Start a new habit today - meet deadlines, or confer very closely with the person who is counting on you. If the task is yours, the responsibility for reporting or getting approval for a deadline is yours.
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Rush your answers to me. First winner gets a stress free year.
(1) When we post electronic payments to you, who determines when it gets into your account?
(2) When a member is late turning in weekly requests, how long is payment delayed?
(3) When there is a holiday, when should payroll and member payments be expected?
(4) Do you know your logon and password?
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(1) What is a "Check Up Clean?" Going to a unit just to make sure its clean.
(2) What is a "Freshen Clean?" During Check up if you need to dust, sweep or do quick cleaning.
(3) What is an "Out Clean?" The Normal and usual cleaning done after the guest departs.
(4) Who is on the "Clean Team?" You are. Housekeepers first of course, but everyone must inspect and report.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0374 – 10/15/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Never Drop The Ball - Lodging Newsletter September 22nd, 2014
By William May
Published: 09/23/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
It was a good summer for rentals. Maybe caused by the improving economy, but probably caused by everyone's continued great work. Thank you.
Remember to tell me where I am wrong. And tell me the latest news with you.
William May
Vortex Organization
Dropping the Ball - Communication is easy if you make sure you communicated. Let's say a home needs more propane. Emailing or voicemailing the problem (We do not use texting) to someone is not solving the problem until the recipient calls you back to confirm they got the message, you must keep contacting them. This only works if the recipient answers their phone, and says something like "Yes I understand" or "I'll do it" then the communique is complete.
Purchasing Department - Ah ha, another problem solved with streamlined thinking. We know its difficult to keep every thing up to date in every home. Running to the store to buy supplies, notice frames, replacement parties, etc. is a pain, plus it takes too long. The solution is to buy many things online, and with they'll even ship them mostly for free usually arriving within a day or two. You can telephone the office with whatever you need and we'll make it appear at the unit magically. We do the accounting. Please start using us today.
Touch Once - when you have a problem fix it the first time. Trying temporary fixes may be necessary, but efforts can not stop until a permanent solution is fixed. For example, if a faucet is leaking, you can try to twist it hard. But a plumber needs to be called fast. Don't allow such problems to go on and on. Remember the old adage, "No good deed goes unpunished" (Such as temporary problems). Fixing it fast and first reduces stress, makes guests happy and impresses property owners.
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Rush your answers to me. First winner gets a prize from Starbucks.
(1) What is a "Check Up Clean?"
(2) What is a "Freshen Clean?"
(3) What is an "Out Clean?"
(4) Who is on the "Clean Team?"
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Thanks for everyone for voting. If you did not respond, how do we know you are reading and heeding these missives?
(1) Which is better a Propane briquette Barbecue? Propane. (Avoid charcoal)
(2) How many key safes should be on every unit? Two. Front door & Backup often at backdoor.
(3) How far in advance can guests be granted an early checkin? No more than 24 hours prior to arrival. (To avoid back-to-back conflicts)
(4) How far in advance can a guest be granted a late checkout? No more than 4 hours prior to departure. (To avoid back-to-back conflicts.)
** There is a charge for early arrivals or late departures.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0371 – 09/23/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Be Upbeat - Lodging Newsletter September 1st, 2014
By William May
Published: 09/01/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Are you laboring on Labor Day? Your back office crew is working long and hard to help every property excel and to make every guest happy.
And me - well I am writing these updates, tweaks, reminders, suggestions and compliments.
You are welcome to feed back.
William May
Vortex Organization
Be Upbeat - If your attorney told you how busy and tired he was, what would you think? Or your accountant? Your children's teacher? Property owners hire us to take care of the details and to enjoy doing it - or at least appear to enjoy it. Sure we all get tired, worn out and even cranky. Its OK to ask for more time, its OK to promise to respond later, its OK to ask another staffer to do the work, its OK to find vendors to do the work. It is just not OK to make anything sound like a problem.
Tone of Voice - Even when dealing with other staff members, try always to be update, have a good attitude and make the other person feel good. Even when getting a late nice guest call, slow down, smile through the phone and do what you can to solve the problem. Showing even an ounce of frustration will always backfire.
Too busy - If your accountant said he was too busy, what would you think? Just that he had more important clients ahead of you. Its been said, if you want something done you hire a busy person. So instead, its OK to tell clients. "We'll have to find a place to get that into the schedule." Even if that spot is days or weeks down the road. And remember, that's never a problem but it just has to be scheduled.
Not Services - There are, of course, things that we as managers can not do well and should always sub out. If a property has mice, an exterminator needs to be hired. Doing it yourself won't save money when a guest leaves early after seeing a mouse, and demands a refund. Exterminators are experts as are Plumbers, Electricians, Hot Tub Cleaners and more.
Banning Pronouns - Today would be a good day to swear off the use of pronouns. People who stay in homes, people who own them and people who work for us are not "He", "She", "They" or "Them." Using the right terminology helps everyone instantly understand. Instead use "Guests", "Owners", "Employees" or "Staff."
Website Ads - Our software has the capability to cause third-party ads to appear on some of our websites. Generally only on "Carnac" generic sites such as but sometimes on geographic sites such as Usually not on specific websites such as However we are going to put ads on "antiquated" websites which will no longer offer lodging such as (which is being turned into a restaurant.)
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Rush your answers to me. First winner gets a stress free year.
(1) Which is better a Propane Briquette Barbecue?
(2) How many key safes should be on every unit?
(3) How far in advance can guests be granted an early checkin?
(4) How far in advance can a guest be granted a late checkout?
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(1) What does the acronym VRA stands for? ANSWER: Vacation Rental Association.
(2) What does the Acronym WAVRMA stands for? ANSWER: Washington State Vacation Rental Managers Association.
(3) What does the Acronym CVRP stands for? ANSWER: Certified Vacation Rental Professional.
I you don't send in your answers you can not win and all expenses paid trip to Iraq.
Do respond - I need to hear if you are receiving, reading and heeding these Insider emails.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0369 – 09/01/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Team Members - Lodging Newsletter August 25th, 2014
By William May
Published: 08/26/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
It has been too long since the last Insider. My lame excuse is that - well - it is summer, and it is hot, and uh I forgot.
But I have updates, tweaks, reminders, suggestions, compliments and even a few complaints.
Tell me when I am wrong. Please.
William May
Team members - Quick constant communication between all team members is a requirement, especially between the office and onsite. Last week someone called in a clean, but later revisited the home and left out linens. We quickly booked the home and guests arrived to find linens hanging. A quick call to office in advance would have saved the day.
Satellite - This type of TV signal is less reliable than cable. While cleaning the home, take time to make sure the satellite is working. If not, telephone the office immediately so we can alert incoming guests. This avoids unhappiness.
Keysafe Codes - There is only one way to create keysafe codes. (1) Use a different code for every house. (2) Use only 4 digits, that do not repeat. (3) Set the backup code using our secret system (4) Do this while standing at the safes (5) Telephone the new codes to the office before leaving the keysafes. No exceptions or we'll make mistakes. Reminder: Codes must not repeat a digits. So 5456 would be wrong.
Propane Spares - For safety reasons, using propane Barbecues is far preferable to Charcoal. Every BBQ should have at least 1 and sometimes 2 spares, usually stored in the garage. Every BBQ must have a laminated "Instructions" notice attached. Plus Joe has created a new notice "Tag" that should go on every propane tank asking guests to let us know if they swap out a tank. (If any of your properties do not have these notices, call quick today and we'll jet them out to you.)
Early Checkins - Guests are not allowed to checkin early unless they have arranged an early-checkin in writing. That can only be done 24 hours in advance and only if there is no back-to-back and the cleaning is already done. If Guests do so while you are cleaning, then housekeepers are to cease cleaning, tell guests of the policy, and if the guest do not depart, then the housekeeper must leave the home uncleaned. If they do enter the home and refuse to leave, telephone the office.
New Properties - We are happy to announce a half dozen new rentals in the past few weeks and many are already up and accepting guests. Here are a few:
Copyright: Did you know that people sometimes steal our photos? They are copyrighted and its against the law. If you see unauthorized uses of our photos, let Joe know right away.
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(1) What does the Acronym VRA stands for?
(2) What does the Acronym WAVRMA stands for?
(3) What does the Acronym CVRP stands for?
Rush your answers to me. First winner gets a stress free year.
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(1) What year was the US National Anthem written? ANSWER: 1814.
(2) Which two presidents died on a 4th of July. ANSWER: Actually there were three - Thomas Jefferson, John Adams & James Monroe.
(3) The founding fathers were citizens of which country? ANSWER: Britain.
(4) What date is Canada Day? ANSWER: July 1st.
If you did not respond with an email answer, don't be bashful. We need to know you are receiving, reading and heeding these Insider emails.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0368 – 08/26/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
A Map, a Map, My Kingdom for a Map
By William May
Published: 07/20/14
Comments: 0
Folded like origami (Japanese paper art), maps have been an indispensable tool for travelers for centuries. But today with Global Positioning Satellites (GPS) and Smart Phones, travel can be much easier but it does require some common sense. Read more
Outdoors-For-All, the Heroes Among Us
By William May
Published: 06/09/14
Comments: 0
Donate your home to charities for their use and fundraising and post your generosity on See how the Ski-For-All Foundation gave property owners the great satisfaction of helping disabled kids and adults to ski. Read more
Gossip Rebound - Lodging Newsletter May 18th, 2014
By William May
Published: 05/20/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Summer is rushing up fast. It seems everyone wants to go on vacation. In speaking with competitors and other managers around the country, most agree that consumers are feeling more confident. (Finally).
As always, I invite your feedback, criticism and comments.
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
GOSSIP: In your high school, were there those mean folks who gossiped about everyone? It is a disease born of envy and inferiority. Well adjusted humans, discuss the world at large, business, the arts and other fun stuff. They don't talk about (truth or lies) other people. And they certainly don't ridicule or speak ill of others.
With the Internet, gossip runs rampant, so this is a reminder that - at least for our business - everyone must leave their bad habits behind. Owners, guests and staff members expect their information to be confidential.
- Never discuss an owner's lives, or property, or financial results with anyone else.
- Never discuss guests, their families or behavior except with supervisors.
- Never discuss your co-workers lives, families or financial situation with anyone, even other coworkers.
- Never discuss your employment, compensation or employer with coworkers or anyone else.
- Never discuss competitors, their strengths or weaknesses with any person other than appropriate coworkers or supervisors.
REBOUND: And all of these prohibitions go double in discussions without someone who don't like, don't trust or don't know. There is great risk in gossiping to them, because they are more likely to gossip about you. That can come back to bite you when you least expect it.
COURTESY: When someone asks for your feelings or knowledge of owners, co-workers, employer or competitor always be complimentary and never derogatory. Don't provide details. Whether for family, friends or co-workers - if you have a gripe meet and tell the person involved. Have the integrity to meet with them personally.
- If someone asks for information that is confidential, they will be impressed when you say, "Oh that is not something I would talk about." (And do it without a wink or tell-tale grimace.)
- Rather than be put-off, the questioner will actually admire your allegiance to good behavior.
- People are surprised by good manners and ethics. A request for gossip is a change to show you are a moral person.
CONFIDENTIAL Everyone uses the word confidential but most people don't adhere to it. It means you don't talk about anything that must remain confidential - such as family, friends, co-workers, employer and certain property owners.
So what about prospective property owner clients wondering how their homes may perform financially? It is acceptable to discuss how homes in general are doing. For example: You could say, "Newer 3 Bedroom, 3 bath homes, over 2,000 square feet have good occupancy and higher rates". But you can't even allude to the fact that "The house next to yours is generating $80,000 in rental income."
RICHARD MAY: My father ran a truck service company and I worked there in High School. He was a very quiet guy and I frequently mention one of his greatest attributes. In his entire life, my father never "made fun" of anyone. His great compliment to people was that they were "Gentleman" and it said it about many people.
Which is why everyone said it about him.
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We got lots of correct answers this week, but some disagreement.
(1) Name the three vendors who made WAVRMA presentations? ANSWER: Ride the Ducks, Argossy Cruises and Leavenworth Insurance.
(2) What is the name of our newest reservation person? ANSWER: Emmalee David.
(3) What is the name for our new website software stencil? ANSWER: Jumbo
Rush your answers to me. First winner gets brownie points.
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Grading - you don't have to get all the answers, but the god of happiness will be unhappy.
(1) Is it acceptable to tell someone how much money your co-workers makes?
(2) Can you tell a prospective owner, how much the home next door earns?
(3) Can you tell people what a specific competitor does badly?
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0364 – 05/20/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Going Mobile - Lodging Newsletter May 12th, 2014
By William May
Published: 05/12/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Mea culpa. The Insider newsletters have fallen behind but maybe that's good news. Reservations are busy, new inventory is in the pipeline.
Of biggest news - Mobile websites have now been going on line. Look below.
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
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MOBILE WEBSITES: Industry pundits are saying that bookings for hotels now represent 30% of the total. Due to the unique nature of vacation rentals, the percentage is lower but climbing.
We're still testing but with Salman's great "Jumbo" programming we have simply created the most functional mobile websites yet devised. They include large photos, nice graphics and easy to navigate interface. We even did some testing with some marketing experts who gave us the thumbs up.
we are now setting up Mobile versions for many of the websites. From your smart phone, just type in the regular website domain name and you'll see a mobile optimized version of the regular website. Because the visible space is so small we had to adapt written descriptions, photos and many other aspects. Watch and you will see that these websites will continue to change for some weeks and months ahead.
You will notice that there are fewer menu options due to the limited space. But we've used photos that are larger than most mobile websites. We expect to get all important websites done within a few weeks, but feel free to try your favorite. Here are some that are up and running for sure:
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WAVRMA MEETING: Thanks to Penny, Josh, Emmalee, Joe and Taylor for helping out with last month's meeting for the Washington State Vacation Rental Managers Meeting. If you didn't attend you did not get a Quacker. (Ask someone who did attend.) There are many new members as our industry continues to grow.
OWNER CALLS: Recently we mailed letters to many prospective owners in certain geographic areas. That is a reminder to those Manager Members they need to telephone
BOARD MEETING: A long time friend and one of Seattle's most respected advertising experts - Al Doyle - has joined our Board of Advisors. He now specializes in real estate marketing and you can see his company at Our most recent board meeting with very helpful and provided a number of good ideas.
CLEAN CALLS: Thank you to those who are much more frequently telephoning the office when each clean is completed. That reeeeeeeeeeeealy helps. And to operate even better we have a new request - Generally homes are to be cleaned the same day that guests depart, or at least to Triage the place. Now, if the clean is NOT going to be done the same day we must ask that housekeepers telephone the office, let us know what they found when triaging, and estimate the date on which the clean will be complete.
GUESTBOOKS: Have you copied your property guest books and mailed them to Seattle? Please do it today. This needs to be done every month or, when you see more than a few new postings.
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We got lots of correct answers this week, but some disagreement.
(1) What are Merchant Accounts used for? Credit Cards
(2) Which company developed the back office and website software do we use? Magical Digits
(3) What does WAVRMA stand for? Washington Vacation Rental Managers Association - the first and only open-forum, open-membership managers group.
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Grading - you don't have to get all the answers, but the god of happiness will be unhappy.
(1) Name the three vendors who made WAVRMA presentations?
(2) What is the name of our newest reservation person?
(3) What is the name for our new website software stencil?
Rush your answers to me. First winner gets brownie points.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0362 – 05/12/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Crowing About Our New Mobile Website
By William May
Published: 05/01/14
Comments: 0
It may not sound earth-shaking but Redstone Systems, creator of the software has just added their evolutionary new mobile websites to our system. Check it on your mobile phone now. Read more
What I do for a living
By William May
Published: 04/08/14
Comments: 0
After a tragedy that has taken dozens of life in the small town of Oso Washington State, first-responders open the door to untrained volunteers after realizing they are better equipped at working in such difficult conditions. Read more
Lodging Newsletter April 1st, 2014
By William May
Published: 04/05/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
In this week's newsletter I have the dubious duty to tell you about political matters.
I am writing to let you know that officials from the US Hotel Association have just this week gotten a federal law passed that takes affect on June 1st. Unfortunately it will out-law vacation rentals in the United States.
This is a terrible blow for our industry and our business. I am not sure what we are going to do now. We have
other business activities that may take up some of the slack. That will mean a great deal of work, of course. And I hope that all of you will be up to this all encompassing task.
I must ask that you all stop what you are doing, get rid of all other commitments, focus on the work ahead and work closely together. Nothing will be able to stop us if we can just work together.
Unfortunately, there will be little money available for the next six or twelve months. Surely that will make things difficult for us all but maybe we can think of it as a challenge that will just test and help us achieve the very biggest success that we have all achieved in our life time.
Or maybe we'll just forget this entire thing every happened, and then celebrate April Fools day.
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
BOARD MEETING: A long time friend and one of Seattle's most respected advertising experts - Al Doyle - has joined our Board of Advisors. He now specializes in real estate marketing and you can see his company at Our most recent board meeting with very helpful and provided a number of good ideas.
MAILINGS: With new tools that Ozair has created in our Samantha software system, and we have now begun using one of them to send personal mail to owner, complexes and other managers. This allows us to
NEWSLETTERS: We are close to complete on the development of the Newsletter we will be publishing. There will be a separate version for each geographic location, sent compliments of the local manager. TO get it into the mail we will be asking each manager to help build the list of recipients.
It will be mailed to our current property owner clients, prospective owners and Rent by Owners as well. We hope to get the first edition in the mail on May 1st. May Day is not as great as April Fool's day, but it will have to do.
CLEAN CALLS: I would like to thank everyone who has been calling in their cleans. This is a very great help for us.
EDELWEISS RESTAURANT: After nine years of solid service, the Hotel Edelweiss has been sold and is being converted to a restaurant. We wish the new owners well.
GUESTBOOKS: This is the third reminder that every unit needs to have a Guest Book. Please telephone Penny today and let her know you have them installed. Plus every month or so, it is necessary to copy the contents and send them to Seattle. we can post these on review pages. It is a great help to visitors who are considering where to stay.
MEMBER PROFILE: He is often the voice of reason, helping members, property owners and guests. Josh Dettwiller handles bookings as well as the (accounting) books. He is a native of the Northwest, but also spent time in High School in California. I am continually amazed at his energy and positive attitude. Josh was referred to us by some fellow named Taylor May, but we would have hired him anyway - and we are very lucky he is here.
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We got lots of correct answers this week, but some disagreement.
(1) Name the team that won this year's Super Bowl? Answer: Denver Broncos.
(2) What special device can be used to inspect a unit for cleanliness, with the lights off? Answer: Blacklight Flashlight.
(3) In lieu of paying a damage deposit, what is the proper name for this fee? Answer: Deposit Waiver.
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Grading - you don't have to get all the answers, but the god of happiness will be unhappy.
(1) What are Merchant Accounts used for?
(2) Which company developed the back office and website software do we use?
(3) What does WAVRMA stand for?
Rush your answers to me. First winner gets brownie points.
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Reminders again:
WAVRMA: Meeting Dates for the Washington State Vacation Rental Managers Association meetings have also been set. So click here to attend. These are only twice a year for now, and on the day before Vortex College meetings - so you can hit both in one trip, two days. Click here to see those dates:
April 23rd in Seattle. It is very important for managers to attend. After the Association meeting, we'll get together for some Vortex coordinating.
Please RSVP your attendance today.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0360 – 04/05/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Top Reasons to Do-It-Yourself Vacation Rental
By William May
Published: 03/15/14
Comments: 0
Renting the house seemed like a good idea. Cut out the middle man and rack in the big bucks. Guests will love the place, housekeepers are a dime a dozen, advertising is easy. Here are the top 10 reasons to handle everything personally. Read more
Complaint Of The Year - Lodging Newsletter March 10th, 2014
By William May
Published: 03/10/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Another week another newsletter. My apology for missing a few due to other activities. But it feels like spring and new things are happening.
Please respond to this email this week so I can see if everyone is getting it. And, if you don't answer the quiz you will be charged $100 cash money.
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
COMPLAINT OF THE YEAR: In one complex, property owners are obligated to offer their homes for rent due to government requirements. Their Board was unhappy with past income so it hired us to increase business, as well as to provide onsite management. Here is a response to an email to property owners.
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" Hi Penny, Thank you for your reply. I just want to let you know how disappointed we have been with having to rent our unit so much this season. Never in the past have we had to rent so often. Why is it different this year? - Keri"
"Dear Keri, It could be you now have a better managers I guess. - Penny "
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BOARD MEETING: Did you know that we have an esteemed "Board of Advisors". They met last week and were very enthusiastic about our performance as a company. We asked for and they had good ideas for improvements. Thanks to everyone who participated.
CLEAN REMINDERS: For all housekeepers and others who watch that calendar.
GUESTBOOKS: Another reminder about guest books.
(1) Every condo, cabin and house needs to have one. You can buy them at Wal-Mart or the Dollar store cheap. If the book doesn't say "Guest Book" you can write it on the cover or inside the front flap.
(2) The Guestbook must be left on the living room coffee table.
(3) Every month housekeepers and manages are to photocopy comments and email, fax or mail them to Seattle.
COOL CLEANS: Several weeks ago your received a notice about how our Ace programmers had made it possible to logon to your website and mark off cleans as complete.
MEMBER PROFILE: Lu Ann Kolten loves living at the Beach, having lived elsewhere in the world, even though she is from Western Washington originally. Her husband Patrick grew up in France and is not sure how he got to the wind swept coast of Washington State but he loves it there too and is a professional glass artist. He is fairly sure getting there was by airplane. With the help of family members they take care of numerous vacation rentals in the Westport Washington area.
VIDEO CONFERENCING: Our new System Administrator Ryan Cooley has been looking into Video Conferencing websites which could allow manager and other meetings to be held by video! That would mean less trips and better communication. If you don't have a Webcam he found a great one at Target stores for just $25. Plus directly into your computer but you do have to have an adequate DSL or Cable internet connection. If you don't have a camera please find one today. It will save you trips.
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(1) What is the name of our new business that does vacation rentals in Boats? Answer:
(2) How often should Deep Cleans be done of every vacation rental home? Answer: Once or twice a year depending on occupancy.
(3) What is the correct name of the lock boxes we use to give guests keys for their rental? Answer: Key Safes.
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Grading - you don't have to get all the answers, but the god of happiness will be unhappy.
(1) Name the team that won this year's Super Bowl
(2) What special device can be used to inspect a unit for cleanliness, with the lights off?
(3) In lieu of paying a damage deposit, what is the proper name for this fee?
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Reminders again:
VORTEX COLLEGE: Dates have been picked for this year's Vortex Continuing Education. We really need each manager to come to meetings. Big things are happening. Managers needs to attend at least every other meeting to retain their certification. Hey, this really is worth the time and attention. Click here to see dates and RSVP for this month get-together:
WAVRMA: Meeting Dates for the Washington State Association meetings have also been set. So click here to attend. These are only twice a year for now, and on the day before Vortex College meetings - so you can hit both in one trip, two days. Click here to see those dates:
Please RSVP your attendance today.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0358 – 03/10/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Varoom Vacation Rental Cooperative Springs to Life
By William May
Published: 02/23/14
Comments: 0
Even with the thousands of advertising websites catering to vacation rental owners, guests often search in vain to find the perfect accommodations. Now the website, the world's first Vacation Rental Cooperative matches guests with property owners and managers to increase bookings. Read more
Peeled Eyes - Lodging Newsletter February 17th, 2014
By William May
Published: 02/16/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
We have a winner! Josh Dettweiller was the first person to answer last week's quiz. He received a perfect score and winner points. You can get winner points by answering this week's quiz.
I am giving double points this week if you send me comments, questions & suggestions.
And we have big news about the online cleaning system. Read below.
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
COOL CLEANS: Our Ace programmers - Salman - says the first draft of the Online CleanS Reporting System is now online. He has been replicating the efficient clean system that our other ace programmer - Ozair - built in our reservation software.
- The test version is at (and soon on all websites).
- Just login to see your Dashboard and select "Calendar, All units".
- You will notice that the dates on which cleans are scheduled are now in RED.
- Plus there is a list of all scheduled cleans for the month, immediately below the calendar.
- You can click on the left hand icon for any clean to open a form and see the details.
- Then you can mark the clean as completed and even leave notes if necessary.
- Once done, the RED date on the calendar disappears.
- That tells everyone - even people in the office - that the clean is done.
- So they can try to book it immediately to another guest for that night.
- This makes everyone more money!
MOBILE CLEANS: Eventually we hope to have this same function available in a Mobile website version that housekeepers could see and complete on their smart phones. Don't hold your breath. It will take time to create, but be a wonderful tool.
MORE PEELED EYES: Last week I asked that everyone keep me posted on competition, businesses etc. going on in their market. Then last week one of our esteemed members called to say there are big changes afoot at one of the complexes in town - their manager is long gone. We'll hope to make a proposal to that group and the member's tip gives us a great opportunity to show what a great comprehensive full service we have for them. Wish us luck. And keep me posted on your market so we can get a jump start on opportunities.
MEMBER PROFILE: This week we salute Joseph Romain, our ace HDR photographer, creative director, website designer and all around good guy. In fact, Joe has consistently been willing to do anything to help us all succeed including paperwork and cleaning around the office. Joe and Kristie Romain are proud parents of 14 month old Miles Romain who steals their sleep but fills their hearts, Kristie is also a photographer - one of Seattle's top Wedding specialists.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Grading - you don't have to get all the answers, but you lose brownie points if you don't respond.
(1) What is the name of our new business that does vacation rentals in Boats?
(2) How often should Deep Cleans be done of every vacation rental home?
(3) What is the correct name of the lock boxes we use to give guests keys for their rental?
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
(1) What is the only item that can be left in a refrigerator when a guest checks into a rental? ANSWER: Baking Soda Box.
(2) Which of our businesses creates the photos, slide shows and videos for all our properties? What is it's name? ANSWER: Signatours.
(3) Even when an owner cleans after their own use, what is the type of clean that must always be done immediately thereafter? ANSWER: Checkup.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Reminders again:
VORTEX COLLEGE: Dates have been picked for this year's Vortex Continuing Education. We really need each manager to come to the February meeting. Big things are happening. Managers needs to attend at least every other meeting to retain their certification. Hey, this really is worth the time and attention. Click here to see dates and RSVP for February today pretty please:
WAVRMA: Meeting Dates for the Washington State Association meetings have also been set. So click here to attend. These are only twice a year for now, and on the day before Vortex College meetings - so you can hit both in one trip, two days. Click here to see those dates:
Please RSVP your attendance today.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0351 – 02/16/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Seattle Hard Freeze - Lodging Newsletter February 13th, 2014
By William May
Published: 02/13/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
After a hard freeze in Seattle, today is balmy and (winter) warm. Here is the latest news and updates.
This week we are adding two more regular features to the newsletter:
(1) A member profile
(2) A pop quiz at the end. Please RSVP with your answers.
(3) Reminders from prior newsletters.
And have you sent me your comments, questions & suggestions?
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
NEWSLETTERS: Are you reading the online newsletters? Click here to catch up.
GUEST BOOKS: There is to be a Guest Book in every unit in which guests can leave comments. Those are to be photocopied every month at a minimum, and faxed or mailed to the office. Today I was adding those comments into guest reviews for one unit in particular. They had dozens of really nice comments and these are a big help for guests who may want to rent that unit. Your homes fall below if you fail to send us the guest books.
WELCOME BOOKS: We are creating a new "Welcome Book" format customized to each location, that will include unit information, local events and merchants. We'll send you proofs soon.
EYES PEELED: It is important to know everything going on in your market - who manages which properties, are they doing a good job, what events are taking place. This is a competitive business, so please remember to call or email me with the latest info from your town. Sometimes that will help us help you more.
MEMBER PROFILE: This week we salute Deresa Norman, who oversees all the housekeeper and many maintenance issue in Leavenworth Washington. Luckily we bumped into Deresa when we opened in that market close to 10 years ago. We have learned so much about housekeeping and its no wonder that we just never get complaints about the great housekeeping she and her crew complete. In fact, their work is so good that Deresa has helped train others in our group who rave about her techniques and quality.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
(1) What is the only item that can be left in a refrigerator when a guest checks into a rental?
(2) Which of our businesses creates the photos, slide shows and videos for all our properties? What is it's name?
(3) Even when an owner cleans after their own use, what is the type of clean that must always be done immediately thereafter?
Grading - you don't have to get all the answers, but you lose brownie points if you don't respond.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
And here are some reminders:
VORTEX COLLEGE: Dates have been picked for this year's Vortex Continuing Education. We really need each manager to come to the February meeting. Big things are happening. Managers needs to attend at least every other meeting to retain their certification. Hey, this really is worth the time and attention. Click here to see dates and RSVP for February today pretty please:
WAVRMA: Meeting Dates for the Washington State Association meetings have also been set. So click here to attend. These are only twice a year for now, and on the day before Vortex College meetings - so you can hit both in one trip, two days. Click here to see those dates:
Please RSVP your attendance today.
Author: William May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0349 – 02/13/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Like Happy Lemmings to the Seahawk
By William May
Published: 02/06/14
Topics: Seattle, Sports
Comments: 0
On a frigid but stunningly bright blue sky day in the city of Seattle, the population of the region gathered together with one mind to share in the joy of something bigger than any of them could ever experience alone. To spread smiles and happiness for something seemingly simple but rare. Read more
Vortex College - Lodging Newsletter February 3rd, 2014
By William May
Published: 02/03/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Another month has already passed, in yet another year. So what a good time to get in gear, pump it up!
Are you getting these newsletters? Please let me know by responding to this email.
You could also send me a few ideas for what you want included in the next few weeks. Or feel free to comment pro or con.
William May Vortex Organization Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
NEWSLETTERS: Are you reading the online newsletters? Click here to catch up.
VORTEX COLLEGE: Dates have been picked for this year's Vortex Continuing Education. We really need each manager to come to the February meeting. Big things are happening. Then Managers needs to attend at least every other meeting to retain their certification. Hey, this really is worth the time and attention. Click here to see dates and RSVP for February today pretty please:
Vortex College Dates (click here)
WAVRMA: Meeting Dates for the Washington State Association meetings have also been set. So click here to attend. These are only twice a year for now, and on the day before Vortex College meetings - so you can hit both in one trip, two days. Click here to see those dates:
WAVRMA Event Dates (Click here)
FOOD & CONDIMENTS: For Health Department reasons, food and condiments can not be left in refrigerators. Owners should be discouraged from leaving food in cupboards. Instead, anything they want to stock should go in their lock off. If owners insist on leaving food it should be in their lock off. If they insist on putting it on shelves, they must leave plenty of room for guest food and presume their personal food may disappear without compensation.
And if they insist on leaving condiments or food in the refrigerator, guest will complain loudly about lack of hygiene. The only thing that goes in refrigerators is a box of baking soda. So - if you have owners not adhering to these ideas, please talk to them immediately. If they continue, then you must remove anything you find in the refrigerator.
BACKUP PERSON: For some destinations, this time of year is a great time to go on vacation. However, managers must have a reliable and knowledgeable backup person available 24/7. AND they must introduce that person to the office staff by providing name, phone, email, address etc.
A good idea is to have that person call the office. Omitting this could cause everyone to lose thousands of dollars and, worse, to disappoint guests or owners in some way. If you haven't setup your backup person with the office - please do so now. Today.
DEEP CLEAN FLYER: Keeping houses up to hospitality clean is an absolute requirement in lodging. Owners seldom have an idea of the immense work this requires. So attached here is a new flyer "How Clean is Clean Enough." Please memorize it. You can download copies on the website.
Clean Enough Flyer (Click, requires login)
FLUID WIDTH: Salman, our ace website programmer, has been working double duty to make some pretty big changes to our websites. With the invention of wider computer screens, it was necessary to re-write all of our website pages and code into what we are lovingly calling "Jumbo" code."
It has taken literally hundreds of hours, and will require hundreds more to convert all the websites. But doing so will allow us to create wide websites (16 to 9 ratio) that still look correct on conventional monitors (2 to 3 ratio). You won't see much difference at first, but as Joe and Fahim work at increasing image sizes, the improved design capability will be beautiful. Take a look at this sample: is our current width. is our new width.
MOBILE WEBSITE: The new technology also has allowed Salman to begin creating mobile website functionality. Due to the smaller screens the sites are much different but soon will have all the same functionality. Including that managers and housekeepers will be able to see calendars on their phones and even mark cleans done, or submit work orders. This is going to be great. Look at this www.GoldenerResorts.comon your mobile phone.
Or you can go to then look for the "Go to Mobile website" on the bottom of the regular website.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0347 – 02/03/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
How to Hire & Retain Happy Housekeepers (10 rules)
By Wm. May
Published: 01/28/14
Topics: Lodging Management, Vacation Rental Association, Vacation Rentals, WAVRMA
Comments: 0
Servers at restaurants, both fancy and plain, demand tips. The valet who parks your car puts his hand out. Even your neighborhood Starbucks barista wants money for making up your fancy café mocha, skinny, double cup, with foam. So how come lodging housekeepers seldom get tipped, and often receive far too little. Read more
Seattle Seahwaks Berzerk - Lodging Newsletter January 27th, 2014
By William May
Published: 01/27/14
Topics: Lodging Newsletter
Comments: 0
Even if you are not a fan, I must tell you that Seattle has gone berserk with the Seahawks being in the Superbowl next weekend. The International Boat Show has cancelled a day early, figuring no one would want to be at the boat show that Sunday. A film festival postponed movies. And church services are starting early so parishioners can get home early, albeit for a game that doesn't start until 3:30PM.
But like good troopers, our reservation office will be open as usual. But we won't mind if staff members keep the TV on.
Hey, I need new ideas for this newsletter. I am asking everyone of you to email or call me with one or more questions, ideas or revelations. I am awarding a free car to the first person who respond.
William May
Vortex Organization
Voice: 866-925-5188 x902
YELP COME UPANCE: There is a growing backlash against the hundreds of complaint websites that have been created. Yep, for example, gains search engine visibility with each negative ad. And then they strong arm merchants into buying. Check out the article here.
BOARD OF ADVISORS: Did you know we have a board of Advisors who meet to help direct our efforts? They are completely independent and don't hesitate to question, criticize and sometimes compliment. Please read about there.
VOICEMAIL DIRECT: Sometimes I really need to leave people Voicemails but I really don't want to call them late at night. And you might want to call me when its late. No problem. Instead of calling someone's phone extension (such as mine which is 902), you can just add a "1" to that number and the call goes directly to voicemail. For me its 9021. Give it a try.
REMOTE DESKTOP: For over a decade we have been using a program called "Remote Desktop" which allows office staff to logon to our servers to do work. Outside offices, such as Crystal Chalets, can also logon just as if they were in the office. Many of us use it from home and it is really a wonderful tool.
TEAM VIEWER: In recent years we have also been using a fee program called, setup on everyone's PC, which allows our System Administrator to logon to those computers to fix and update them when necessary. Unfortunately LMI has now decided to charge high fees so our new SysAdmin - Ryan Coley - will be setting up all PC's to use a new software called .
Think of Ryan as your personal SysAdmin. Although he works for us part-time, he will be happy to help with your personal computer so everything works well. All of this helps us all communicate and work better together.
Author: William May – Manager, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0337 – 01/27/14Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
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DETAILS: We work to keep this information up to date, but details do change from time to time based on circumstances, often on short notice, and sometimes beyond our control. To verify any answer or other information you may need, please call or email us anytime. Allow a reasonable amount of time for response. Only legitimate inquiries will be answered.