Bill's Beneficial Blog

Does anyone really read the millions of blogs out there? Or are they really just a ploy to entice Google for a bit more ranking or space? Every other ad agency blog is going to be all about how great they are, why they are the smartest and other clearly self promoting stuff.

So we decided to just write about what interests us. Our only hope is that - every now and then - you find a nugget that is a slight value for you. We hope. If you want to get these rantings in your inbox every so often, Signup to get emails. Here goes.

Its Always something - Lodging Newsletter November 30th, 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 12/24/18 Topics: Advertising, Dynamic Rates, Government, Lodging Newsletter, Online Travel Agents (OTAs) Comments: 0

In 1977 Gilda Radner, one of the original cast members from the first years of the "Saturday Live" television sow, invented a character that made her famous.

Her "Roseanne Roseannadan" was a recurring character on their "Weekend Update" feature offering consumer reporting by reading a letter from a "Mr. Richard Feder, " form New Jersey, with a series of questions to which Roseannadanna then made derogatory comments.

In later shows, for some inexplicable reason Mr. Feder moved to Mt. Saint Helens, Washington State in our neck of the woods.

Invariably while answering the questions, Roseannadanna digressed, launching into stories having to do subjects which had nothing to do with the questions until - and finally - the news co-anchor Jane Curtin would intercept her saying with the catch phrase "Roseanne, you're making me sick"

Roseannadann would smirk and then pause and then conclude, "Well, Jane, it just goes to show you, it's always something - if its not one thing, then its another."

It does seem odd now however, that forty years later, in business in general and our micro world of vacation rentals and lodging we still spend most every day deal within one thing or another.

This is an industry that continues to grow and morph and change and yes "It s always something."


Yes, in this industry it really is always something. Something unexpected, something unknown, something new..

REGUATIONS - After decades of operating alternative lodging for guests, cites and towns have begun to restrict, regulate and even prohibit vacation rentals ostensibly because they take away affordable housing. It is silly to think that people with expensive second homes are going to rent them out long term for low rates. Its always something out of the blue..


OTAS - Online travel agents like Expedia, HomeAway, AirBnB and so many others are a great way to advertise but make no mistake they are all out to beat out each other. to guest by restricting communications by requiring guests to communicate using their closed-walled messaging systems. That means dozens of new systems to track and master. Its always something more complicated.

EXPECTATIONS - It is rumored that, decades ago, vacation rental customer service consisted of these words, "Here are the keys, good luck." Today guests want quality furnishings, high speed internet, hot tubs, hotel grade mattresses and much more. Its always something, so we provide it.


GOOGLE HOTELS - Wanting to dominate the world, Google is rolling out advertising where lodging operators can display their wares directly on Google pages, possibly by passing those pesky OTA's. Its always something jiving.

ODD ADVERTISING - Ever heard of Glamping? Or Camping? And why would they have anything to do with vacation rentals. We'll websites with odd goals are becoming just another place for guests to find us. We must be diligently looking for the whatever is the new way that consumers are shopping. Its always something innovative.

RATES RACE - As use of dynamic pricing, and automated supply demand response, rent by owners and insufficiently distributed lodging operators rush to lower rates in a dangerous race to the bottom price. Wide adverting, creative imagery, instant service and more allow us to stay ahead of the pack. Its always something innovative.

LOCALIZE - Venture Capitalists are rushing into the vacation rental industry, but allow want to build global brands that reject the local hospitality that guests have come to prefer from vacation rentals. We use local brands, local partners and local tourism to provide more fun and more happiness Its always something local that is better.

FLEXIBILITY _ Unlike other managers with a "one-size fits all" approach we offer flexible programs from full-service Do-It-Yourself assistance and extra bookings. Its always something that must fit what property owner clients want.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0628 – 12/24/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Want the Money? - Lodging Newsletter December 31st, 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 12/24/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter, Vacation Rentals, Vortex VIP Comments: 0

Vacation Rentals and specialty lodging are the fastest growing segments of the lodging industry. Fueled by the internet; the number of cabins, condos, houses and inns have been growing rapidly for two decades.

There are books and blogs and forums all tempting property owners to jump into the rental market. Online travel agents like VRBO, TripAdvisor, and, along with hundreds of others can expose any kind of lodging, anywhere in the world, to travelers who are searching out interesting, unique and unusual destinations and properties that would been difficult to find years ago.

We love taking care of guests and owners and properties, but must admit there is a another side of the vacation rental business that every property owner should consider before they make the plunge into renting.

That question is - do you want the money? Do you really?

In surprising ways, being a vacation rental owner is different than new owners presume. Diligent and professional managers help owners avoid significant issues. But when a home becomes a rental, some things change.

So in this letter I am attaching a short outline of questions every owner should ask before starting to rent.


DO YOU WANT THE MONEY? If getting the money is not your goal, you may find even the smallest aspects of landlording might make you uncomfortable

CAN YOU SCHEDULE? Like all comprehensive management firms, our system allows owners to easily block out dates for their own use. They can be unblocked later, but having to schedule use of your own home is a new requirement.

ARE YOU PATIENT? Ramping up requires lots of information and double-checking. Ramping down (when you want to stop renting) takes months because guests book far in advance and because we invest time and money to give you maximum success.

CAN YOU TAKE CRITICISM? With the advent of online reviews, some consumers decide to criticize even the smallest detail of wonderful homes. Of course legitimate issues must be dealt with quickly, but be prepared for those few guests who are ill mannered as they espouse their errant opinions on the world.

CAN YOU BEAR WEAR AND TEAR? We provide $3,000 incidental damage insurance (which guests pay for) but you may find wall scuffs, deep cleans and some increase in utility bills. Appliances wear out over the years, flatware, plateware and pots and pans disappear (very slowly) with it being impossible to blame the guests. The cost is small compared to the rental income.

WILL YOU ACCEPT THE COST OF DOING BUSINESS? "Online Travel Agents" (OTA's) such as Expedia,, and VRBO spend lavishly to dominate internet and even television advertising. We offset those costs by charging higher rates on those websites. But OTA's insert themselves in guest policies and add a cost of business that can not be ignored which some owners dislike.

WILL YOU APPRECIATE MANAGEMENT? Engaging a manager gives owners far wider advertising, reliable onsite staff and personable guests services. Managers provide 24-7-365 services but need the authority and autonomy to provide the best results. Significant occurrences are reported, but managers perform routine duties most efficiently by not having excessive owner intervention.

ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING? Managers work overtime to clean, maintain and care for homes. Cleans must be done quickly and with limitations. Maintenance must be quick and cost effective. Staff are dispatched to re-clean, repair or provide guest services as soon as practical. No matter the situation, staff are treated with courtesy and respect for undertaking what is a difficult and demanding job.

ARE YOU RESPECTFUL? If something is missed or special effort is needed, a call to the manager will bring results. But expecting housekeepers and staff to be perfect in every case would be like expecting a great football receiver to catch every pass. Everyone on the staff must be treated with respect and dignity even when there are minor oversights.

In summary, operating rentals in a business like manner is the key to success. Schedule your use, be prepared for guest critiques, and understand there will be minor wear and tear. Allow your manager to spend most of their time managing for you and less of their time talking about it.

If you want the money this is the surefire way to make it happen. You get maximum income with minimum fuss.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0629 – 12/24/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Secret S2D2 System - Lodging Newsletter August 31st 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 12/23/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Disney World is so popular year-round that for years locals have taken to asking visitors, "Why don't you come when it's not busy here?"

When those visitors excitedly ask, "When is that?", the locals then like to say, "That would've been 1964." (The year before the park opened).

In almost every destination, worldwide travel is seasonal: busier on certain dates and slower on others. You might be surprised to learn that even the perpetually-sunny Hawaiian Islands are overwhelmed with visitors around the Christmas holidays, and while still busy, can be significantly slower during other times of the year.

Every destination has seasonal challenges: having too few visitors, visitors who book too short of stays, or visitors who all show up at the same time. Lodging operators sometimes resort to begging guests to come during the slow season and in-between seasons (often called "shoulder" seasons).

That is why the smartest managers, employ high-tech methods to track the competition, anticipate demand and adjust their rates frequently by date, season, local events, competition and even weather.

We call our system S2D2 - Seasonal, Strategic, Dynamic and Distributed. If you don’t have our tools for pricing your home, you are earning less than you deserve for renting out your home.

In that vein, this month's letter is all about our pricing strategy, how it works, and why.


Some call it "Dynamic Pricing." Uber calls it "Surge" pricing, Disney World calls it "Crowd" pricing and supermarkets just call it a plain old sale.

The premise is based on a natural phenomenon called supply and demand. If a farmer grows too many potatoes one year, they lower their prices to attract customers. If potatoes are in short supply the following year, the farmer charges a higher amount to make up for the previous year's loss.

In the 1980's, airlines were going broke due to higher fuel prices. The industry had too many planes and unsophisticated pricing. They recovered when computer analysis made it possible to set different prices on different flights for different days. Some say that this dynamic pricing revolution saved the entire industry.

While passengers grumble about ever changing prices, they are in fact anxious to scoop up unsold dates at low rates even if that means red-eye flights, booking far in advance, or taking last minute openings.

Lodging operators have used seasonal pricing forever, charging higher rates in the summer and lower rates in the winter. But now savvy managers are embracing variable pricing with sophisticated algorithms, adjusting to fluctuating conditions like weather and lowering their prices for any unsold nights. They are then bumping up prices at times when too many guests want too few rooms.

FALSE PROMISES: Over the past few years, national management corporations have foisted an idea on property owners that their system of setting prices to assure owners a greater income is somehow unique.

In fact, all comprehensive managers (most managers are not) now have access to price comparison, price forecasting and price adjustment. This data comes from a variety of sources that allows them to meet and beat the technical capabilities of the faceless corporations.

Even the worldwide lodging listing websites such as VRBO, Airbnb, Expedia, and others offer pricing tools to help managers stay abreast of price trends. They have more data and better accuracy than any single manager could achieve alone.

Today, managers must use every available tool and spend considerable time checking and rechecking prices. However, spending this time ensures maximum occupancy and the highest rates that deliver the greatest net income to property owners.

DISNEY WORLD: With a maximum occupancy of "only" 95,000 people, two years ago Disney World began altering prices seasonally to decrease demand at peak seasons, and increase it during slower seasons. (No season could truly be called low for Disney World). Just last week, they began price-setting for specific dates. In other words, you could pay a certain price for a ticket on one day and a much higher price for a ticket the following day.

For now, Disney has not decided to increase or decrease future date prices. But, that decision IS only a matter of time because one day Disney will admit that visitors will change their "demand" to get a deal. This will allow Disney to pack more guests into the parks, for a greater profit in all seasons.

Just like Disney, our S2D2 system is tech-based and controlled to produce the very best financial results for a client's property. Give us a call to put our effective pricing system to work for you.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0625 – 12/23/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Happiness - Lodging Newsletter September 30th 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 12/23/18 Topics: Education, Employment, Lodging Newsletter, People, Reputation Comments: 0

Don’t you just love positive people? How about people who always have a smile on their face?

There are people who rise to every occasion, no matter the obstacles. They are indeed a rare group. However, there is an even more unusual set of people: those who take on all challenges, who work hard dealing with difficult people yet still manage a genuine grin regardless of the circumstances.

We are truly lucky to have an entire staff of people just like that.

We are in the business of making guests and property owners happy. The only way to do that is to never lose our tempers, never hide from responsibility, to empathize with others, to go the extra mile and - most importantly - to smile every day as appreciation for all we have and all we do.

Therefore, this month the update message is special. Go ahead and sing the tune on the next page. You'll be amazed at how happy it makes you (us too)!


Today's world is full of negativity, aspersions, and personal attacks. This is nothing new. There have always been negative people but there has also always been some people, a smaller number, who always manage to remain positive.

We strive to be the latter.

We must admit we have no secret methods, no genius insights and can not presume to tell others what do to. Instead, we spend every day striving to be kind and courteous and upbeat.

A good place to start is here. Just sing it out loud. Feel free to dance a little too.

If you're positive and you like it, be kind today (kind today)

If you're positive and you like it, be kind today (kind today)

If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it

If you're positive and you like it, be kind today (kind today)

If you're positive and you like it, laugh and grin (laugh and grin)

If you're positive and you like it, laugh and grin (laugh and grin)

If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it

If you're positive and you like it, laugh and grin (laugh and grin)

If you're positive and you like it, it comes around (comes round)

If you're positive and you like it, it comes around (comes round)

If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it

If you're positive and you like it, it comes around (comes round)

If you're positive and you like it, admit all three (kind today, laugh and grin, comes round)

If you're positive and you like it, admit all three (kind today, laugh and grin, comes round)

If you’re positive and you like it, your smile will greatly show it

If you're positive and you like it, admit all three (kind today, laugh and grin, comes round)

- - - - -

It is theorized that the song "If You're Happy" originated from the tune "Molodejnaya", a song from the 1938 Soviet musical film Volga-Volga. Though it was copyrighted by Joseph Guilherme Raposo, best known for his work on the children's television series Sesame Street.

How can we not smile knowing things like this?

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0626 – 12/23/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Vacation Rental Psychology - Lodging Newsletter October 31st, 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 12/23/18 Topics: Advertising, Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Not everyone is as big of a rabid reader of vacation rental industry news as we are. In fact, I hope you are doing more recreational reading than business reading!

A regular review of vacation rental news, blogs, and forums might lead someone to think that our industry is all about technology, websites, dynamic pricing, online travel agents and many other topics. We have to admit that these devour huge amounts of our time because they do indeed affect inquiries, bookings, and maximum net income for owners.

But, hidden in all of those disciplines is a topic seldom reported on, and that is the psychology that controls why consumers buy things, why they prefer one over another, how they evaluate price versus quality, and how to help get more bookings than the competition.

This is not really rocket science stuff, but our staff has been advertising experts for decades - long before most of them even entered this industry. They were schooled in marketing and advertising, and have the ability to speak to prospective guests in ways that the giant corporate managers have never embraced.

So this month, we have a short primer on how psychology affects vacation rentals.


Why would Budweiser Beer buy a half dozen ads in the Super Bowl broadcast for about $5 million dollars each? Most viewers watch the entire game, wouldn't just one ad be enough? Is Budweiser stupid?

Nah, executives at this dominating brand know that people forget. They don't always fully retain what they are told and are sometimes reluctant to believe a message.

All advertising requires "reach and frequency" which means properties must be advertised on hundreds of websites of various types - Online Travel Agencies (think VRBO, Airbnb,, etc.), hotel-type websites (think Expedia and, and even consumer-oriented websites such as Trip Advisor.

If your manager is not operating an individual website for every home and each local management office, if they're not using email newsletters, local tourism websites, search engine pay-per-click, and even Craigslist, then they are failing to reach enough consumers and in enough ways.

But the internet ties our hands - many websites are demanding that rentals become commodities. They are very much like newspaper classifieds. They limit space and writing creativity. Some remove property names for fear that guests will "go around" them and book directly.

Smart managers know that they must have a name for every home, use floor plans, and include calls to action. This includes indicating when homes are new to renting and why renting today is urgent. -- "Buy Today!"

Giant hotel chains have promoted uniformity and consistency, but that has made them especially vulnerable to recreational guests who have always subconsciously wanted to "build memories." It's impossible to do that when every product looks the same. But it's easy for vacation rental managers (like us), who offer unique homes, unusual locations, and personalized attention.

Giant managers fail to deliver on the latter end because their focus is to increase their percentage of rental income, cut personnel, cut costs and to deliver undeserved profits to their venture capital backers.

Small local managers on the other hand, provide personality and the kind of service that the big guys fail at. We speak to guests personally. If and when they call back, they can speak to the same person. When they contact us late at night, they get a sympathetic voice that's anxious to help.

Giant companies have hundreds and even thousands of complaints. Local companies have almost none. This fact alone reveals flaws in the "I am bigger and better" myth.

Technology has progressed, so that localized vacation rental management companies like ours employ all of the same big-time marketing tools that the corporate managers trumpet - such as instant bookings, wide advertising, electronic integration and dynamic pricing. But, we offer even more with local marketing, local contacts and local long-tenured staff who are fixated on helping guests build memories.

We use the psychology of vacation rentals to match the needs and wants of guests We not only match, but also exceed the technical capabilities of those complaint-ridden giant firms. In short, we market globally but manage locally in ways that the institutionalized managers can not.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0627 – 12/23/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Annie Get Your Gun - Lodging Newsletter June 30th 2018

By Wm, May
Published: 09/27/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

I apologizzzzzze that this lettttttter is late this mooonth, but we are working hard makkking enough mooooney for property ooooowners and so we can afffford new keyyyyboards.

Ok, down to business. It is summer. It is sizzzzzzling and not just the heat. Guests are on the move better than before the big recession. More questions, more interest and more bookings.

Of course, our always fast moving advertising, marketing, sales and reservation experts are innovating new creative ideas to entice guests to stay. OK, we have to admit that is more important than the weather.

Big corporate vacation rental managers are pushing their venture capital hungry agendas but we know what you want, and we give it to you. We have everything they have and more.

In 1950 the Broadway musical "Annie Get Your Gun", the heroine Annie sang it best (paraphrased) with the song "Anything they can do, we can do better."

To see the proof, call to get our side-by-side checklist comparing everything we do, and everything they are missing. They are too far away, waste money on the wrong things and must feed their venture capital masters.

We live right here, we work right here, and we work day and night to offer property owners more. And they would drool to have our tech-enabled advertising. As Annie said, "Yes we can, yes we can, yes we can".


With the sun beating down, it's time to repeat some of the funny, wacky, crazy and just plain perplexing things we hear in the lodging industry. (We make none of this up.)

GUEST: I am very unhappy, I found a piece of tinfoil behind the built-in microwave. Can someone come over immediately, it's an emergency.

OWNER: I want you to manage my house so I can make some money, but I don't really want anyone to be in the house. So could you just book it to people who are unlikely to arrive?

NEIGHBOR: I am very unhappy that your visitors brought a car. Couldn’t they just park in town and walk here? It's only 4 miles and I used to walk that far when I was younger.

STAFFER: I love this job so much I would work for free if I could afford it, but then I couldn’t pay my mortgage, and my husband would leave me, and - never mind please do pay me.

GUEST: I see there is a notice in the house about a burn ban, but would it be OK if we just had a small campfire for an hour or two? The kids have never had s'mores. Pretty please?

OWNER: We are thinking of remodeling the house this summer. Do you think guests will mind if there is hammering and sawing most week days? It won’t start until 7AM.

MAYOR We love the taxes that tourism brings in and just wish there were not so any visitors.

HOT TUB CLEANER: What do people do in these tubs?

GUEST: Do you think we can get into the house a bit early, like maybe 10AM? But we could wait until 11 if the housekeepers can’t get it clean by then.

ROAD CREW: Yeah, I gotta admit we kinda like to close the road in the middle of tourist season. It sucks that people get to go on vacation while we have to work.

COMPETITOR: How do you guys get the houses so clean, most days we can’t even get our people to show up for work?

RESTAURANT OWNER: I hate that the hotels offer free breakfast, it's killing our business.

CHAMBER OFFICIAL: We stopped the motorcycle rally because of the noise, now the motorcycle people take their business elsewhere. How can we get them back?

BOSS: Hey, Summer is when we make tourism money so keep it up. You can sleep after Labor Day.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

A special thank you to the housekeepers running so fast to make owners and guests happy. Thank you to owners for understanding when we are sometimes too busy to talk much. Thank you to the office people for gluing phones to their ears and computers to their eyes. We will all sleep after Labor Day.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0607 – 09/27/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Incestuous OTA - Lodging Newsletter July 31st 2018

By Wm,May
Published: 07/31/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Guests have an idea of what vacation rentals are like, how they are booked, and what they expect.

Property owners have their own idea of how their home will be administered and how guests will behave.

Giant rental listing websites spend billions on search engines and intervene in guest relations.

Industry pundits espouse advice on a great many aspects and each have their own take on the industry.

All of these people are right and all of them are wrong, because they seldom can take an existential view of the other group’s wants and needs.

That is why level-headed vacation rental managers are so important to the world of vacation rentals.

In this letter we will spell out a few things everyone should consider. It’s a look behind the curtain, so to speak.


Tiny things make all the difference in any endeavor. Here is minutiae about vacation rentaling - How we do it and why our way is better.

Independence - So called "experts" encourage Listing Site Independence (LSI) to avoid the fees of online travel agencies like HomeAway, VRBO, Etc. But we invented all of those concepts before those consultants were even in business. All are good ideas, but we must say that OTAs are essential for maximum owner net income. Plus, we have created better ways to capitalize on the OTA incursion.

Contracting - Although impractical with certain OTA’s, we require signed agreements with guests to encourage good behavior and to enforce rules and regulations. Doing so takes more out of our time, but competitors who skip this step cause unnecessary risk to home owners.

Qualification - Although OTA intervention can stifle communication between guests and managers, we go out of our way to talk with every guest.

Instructions - Guests are provided with precise data about the home including driving directions, home particulars, other helpful information, and the do’s and don’ts of vacation renting.

Rules - A few guests may try to ignore rules and regulations, but by providing clear and concise requirements we greatly increase good behavior. Less explicit managers face problems.

Behavior - In addition to contracts, rules and instructions, we can install little signs (called notices) reminding guests of important requirements like no smoking. We embrace it because it works.

Redundancy - Guests lose keys and codes. So, every home should have two "Ingress" methods. If a keysafe is used, there must be a duplicate. If an electronic lock is used, there must be a back-up key safe. Redundancy allows us to get guests back into homes within moments of receiving a call.

Local - Although we have a big company back-office, we are local at heart. Our dedicated professionals take their jobs seriously to make guests happy and keep homes in good condition. It’s a 24/7 commitment.

Customer Service - We communicate with guests (by phone, email or online) on average of 5 times per stay, to ensure a pleasant holiday and to reinforce requirements. We admit it is tedious, but guests consider this a courtesy. We consider it a necessity.

Creative Service - As the market grows, guests now have more options, so to stand out we produce HDR web-optimized photos, 360 degree panoramas, 3-D video tours and even watercolor floor plans. Some competitors do one or the other, but often at low quality. Customers always prefer quality, so we give it to them.

Websites - Every manager has a website, but many are graphically poor, with incomplete information. But, we have used our technology to create better websites with more visuals and a greater ease of booking. We produce a full ecommerce website for every home we serve.

We have been doing all of these things for a decade and our competitors haven’t even started.

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Author: Wm,May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0608 – 07/31/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Hey Wake Up - Lodging Newsletter May 31st 2018

By Wm, May
Published: 05/31/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Why has technology made doing business so very slow?!

The massive and fast-paced changes to the vacation rental and specialty lodging industry are producing opposite reactions. The ability to advertise further and wider is great for both property owners and for guests. Finding the perfect vacation spot is easier than ever before.

However, it's also spawning competitors and vendors who are FAILING to serve the very audience who proclaim to help. They have forgotten what made great businesses great. They ignore their obligation to serve people.

Many of these businesses proclaim that they are going to "disrupt" the industry by declaring they have "invented", "created" or "discovered" something overwhelmingly brand new. Seldom is that true.

Over the last 10 years, most of these firms have faltered or failed altogether when they try to write software to subtract staff members out of the equation.

Yes, our organization has built an amazingly robust lodging software system. We also have massive distributed advertising, employ distinctly dynamic pricing, and utilize scheduling efficiency to help staff, owners, and guests.

But a computer is NOT a vacation rental manager. Our approach is to embrace every possible tool while glorifying the men and women who serve our company with a dedication to every client.


This is a story of a vendor gone bad or, more accurately, that started badly.

The industry news is filled with companies (usually start-ups) with new products all claiming to be the next big thing for vacation rental managers and owners. Today we are talking about one particular company - who shall remain nameless.

They sell a certain kind of software that promises to revolutionize one aspect of rentals. They have a brilliant website and it is clear that the data-crunching is complicated, sophisticated and (hopefully) brilliant.

Unfortunately, their customer service is as bad as their technology is bright (we hope).

Their website features a cute video scan around their office, filled with plenty of people glued to computer screens. One of the "founders" boasts they are "here to help" by having an online chat system, online help, and even an email to reach them.

Unfortunately, there is no phone number on the video. No phone number on the website and, near as we can tell, no way to actually speak to a human being.

Worse yet, posting on their chat system requires a wait of 10 minutes for each response, even if the answer is just a 'Yes' or 'No'. When the "chattee" finally responds, they always start with "Sorry, we are so busy because everyone wants our product." Even begging for a phone number produces no response.

The disrespect is distressing. Maybe their failures are caused by insufficient staffing or under-budgeting. More likely it is a mindset of people starting a business who have not been trained in customer service.

This problem is rampant. One recent Friday, another prominent lodging vendor had a technical glitch affecting thousands of properties. They have a phone number, but no one greeting message, no voicemail and no "emergency" option. They finally responded on Tuesday, but when the problem was fixed, there was no apology or explanation of the delay. Managers and owners lost a great deal of money while the vendor ignored its customers...

So to all you start-up people, in the vacation rental management business we have just one thing to say:


If you are going to serve the lodging industry, you really can disrupt things and dominate your category by doing something very simple. Just mimic the dedication, long hours and responsiveness of the housekeepers, handymen, reservationists and lodging managers who toil in the field. If you call us at 3 am and need help, we will answer and we will act.


Unfortunately, this is an entirely new concept to most of you. But like every other successful business in the past, and in every respected industry, it is the true secret to success. Join us.

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Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0597 – 05/31/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Creative Arts - Lodging Newsletter April 30th 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 04/30/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Just for the moment, let's say that one day all good lodging management companies will have access to all of the same technical capabilities - The capabilities to advertise widely, to manage homes with software and equipment, to coordinate sales, housekeeping and other services.

This will never come true because there will always be small managers who like how they do things, even if they do not provide maximum results. Then, there are big companies who care more about growth than inherent quality.

For now, let's just presume all of them have access to all of the same tools. If so, then what will differentiate one manager from another? What will make one the best?

This month's Lodging Update explains how our comparatively small company remained far ahead of the competition by using creativity to solve problems, market widely and convince guests that our vacation rentals are wonderful.


Creativity is a word that everyone throws around yet most people don't understand nor do many people master it.

It is more than just knowledge, or contrarian thinking (think out of the box?), and more difficult to attain than technology. Creativity is using art, as well as science, to solve problems with new, innovative, and surprising thoughts.

Creativity is how some singers crank out hit after hit, while the non-creative ones embarrass themselves on American Idol. It is how skilled artists produce masterpieces while others produce bland and boring art. It is why giant companies hire creative advertising agencies to solve problems and attract customers. Creativity is difficult.

Here are all of the creative things we do to stay ahead of the pack. This is not bragging, just explaining how our quest for creativity helps our property owner clients.

HDR Photography - Although the process was patented years ago, very few managers invest in this amazing way to create stunningly accurate interior property photos. Some of the giant absentee managers claim to take HDR photographs, but the images are dull and flat. We practically invented the science of it over 12 years ago.

Panos - Also referred to as 360-degree panoramas, they allow website visitors to get an inside view of rooms to see what they like. Although there are unsophisticated ways to attempt HDR, we use the time-consuming HDR technique and hire true photo artists to excel.

Houdini Websites - Some consumers rent from Do-It-Yourself owners because they have a website dedicated to one property. Our solution was to create software that generates a full e-commerce website for every home. We started that 10 years ago!

Three Dimensional Tours - 3-D tours allow guests to tour the entire home from the comfort of their computer. When 3-D photo tour equipment was invented, we waited until the photo quality was sufficient. We then invested heavily to bring every property up to that standard. However, we use skilled HDR photographers to do the job which makes the 3-D's even better than the other guys.

Floor Plans - We are astonished that most lodging managers fail to build accurate floor plans of properties. In vacation rentals, guests plan who sleeps where and if they'll have enough room. Photos help, but we create artful floor plans that we call "water colors" to make them understandable. No one else does this. Dynamic Pricing - Changing rates up and down to meet supply and demand it an accepted method of hotels and airlines, and some managers are using third-party sources. We combine all of that with true market knowledge that absentee managers can never manage. After 50 years in business, we know how to do that better.

Content - We agree it is a lot of work, but our destinations also feature local restaurants, shops, activities, and events. These intrigue guests and procures more bookings. Creativity is required to add and update this information but we created software to help do it a decade ago.

ADMISSION: Are all of these things necessary to secure maximum bookings and rates? Maybe not. But if a manager omits any of them, their property owners risk earning less.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0592 – 04/30/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – – at Blue Heron Resort

By Libby Rogers
Published: 04/22/18 Topics: Hood Canal, Timeshares, Vacation, Vacation Rentals Comments: 0 which offers resort and owner direct vacation rental bookings for timeshare properties announced today that it has opened a new website for the Blue Heron Condos on Washington State's pristine Hood Canal. Read more

Sponsor: – makes it easy for guests to find quality timeshare vacation rentals, for owners to rent out unused weeks, and for resorts to generate income and attract buyers for their available weeks. Everyone wins with these well maintained properties in attractive locations. –

A-La-Carte Menu - Lodging Newsletter March 31st, 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 03/31/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

How many kinds of restaurants are there in the world? What's your guess? 1,000? 10,000 maybe?

For ethnic options, you can choose from Italian, Mexican, Japanese, Thai, etc. Or you can go for the good ol' American Grill, steak house, pizza, burgers, or fast food. The list goes on and on.

You may be surprised that vacation rental management firms can differ as much as Ethiopian and Irish food do - even as much as Sushi and Haggis.

Not all managers have a full range of services. If you need what they don't have, your rental property and income will suffer. And should you need to add services, can they do so smoothly and easily?

We are the only vacation rental management company that offers every possible service. Plus, we offer these to property owners a-la-carte. Owners can pick and choose just what they need - such as extra bookings, or have us provide full service management.

Think of us as the "Full-Meal" deal for vacation rentals.


Some owners want full-service from their vacation rental manager - to provide global advertising, attentive reservations, hospitality grade housekeeping, careful maintenance and guest services. Other owners really only want help with on-site services while others just need extra bookings for maximum income.

So the only real questions are how hard do you want to work and how much money you want to make. But beware, other managers offer only one type of "it's my way or the highway" management, even if its not best for you or your property. We do not.


Instead of forcing clients into a single way of doing business, we customize our work for every property and every owner. We call our programs "A-La-Carte" and here is how they work.

FULL-HOUSE PROGRAM - If you value your time and want maximum income with minimum fuss, then this is the program for you. We provide hospitality grade housekeeping, attentive maintenance, after-hours guests services, 24/7 guest booking and services. We advertise on hundreds of local, regional and global websites. We take credit cards, collect and remit lodging taxes, schedule arrivals and departures. We do the work and owners make money, for fees often less than competitors because we are - let's admit it - more local and more efficient.

FRONT-DOOR PROGRAM - For owners who want to do their own housekeeping, maintenance, and onsite guest services we provide just the massive advertising, reservations, sales and guest arrival services they need. Guests are delivered to the front door. Bookings are so smooth and easy - many Inns, Resorts & Home Owner Associations also use this program to vastly increase marketing without giving up control onsite.

VAROOM PROGRAM - Some do-it-yourself owners love hosting, but are hungry for extra bookings and occasional backup help. In this program owners continue their current methods but allow us to greatly increase their advertising to produce bookings for unsold nights. Properties are included in our local, regional and global marketing.

BEDFINDERS PROGRAM - Online Travel Agents (Such as VRBO, AirBnB, have flipped the industry on its head by adding guest service fees. We combine this idea with our Varoom service of extra bookings and lower our commissions by incorporating guest fees. Although, this does decrease orders, it still bumps up rent for every property.

HOME-MINDER PROGRAM - For do-it-yourself vacation rental owners who have found that housekeeping, maintenance and house watching are overwhelming and risky, we shoulder all the onsite services while owners co-host the property. This is much like Full-House, but reduces fees for owners who have the time to continue doing part of the work.


The real question is how to maximize your income with minimum fuss. Do you want to work hard all the time, continue investing some time, or have a professional reliable firm do every little thing that produces even bigger results? To look at our menu of world-class comprehensive services please call today. No reservation needed.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0591 – 03/31/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Be Nice Or They Will Spit In Your Food

By Wm. May
Published: 03/28/18 Topics: Behavior, Cooking, Music, People, Self Improvement Comments: 0

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Good Products Succeed - Lodging Newsletter February 28th, 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 02/28/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Last time I wrote, the subject was all about advertising, marketing, and sales. Those are some of our favorite subjects because that is how guests find us, or should I say, how we allow them to find us.

A wise advertising professor once said something very profound,

"Good advertising makes a poor product fail faster."

And if it does, it should also be true that,

"Good advertising makes a good product succeed faster."

So this letter is all about how to make every Vacation Rental, Inn, Resort and Hotel succeed faster. No matter how good the advertising is, offering great lodging and constantly upgrading and improving the lodging is equally as important.

Attached is a short checklist that owners will want to consider. There are many other recommendations but let's start with the most obvious.


Guests decide just about everything. It is not up to the manager to dictate what guests want. With the internet, guests are given so many options. When a property is missing just one essential amenity, you can lose inquiries and guests.

The old age rings true yet again - You gotta spend money to make (more) money. Sorry.

TEXTILES - If your linens and towels were purchased when Jimmy Carter was President, they are waaaaaaaaaaay too old. Don't wait until they wear out. They need to look AND feel fresh and comfy.

FURNITURE - Guest like to laaaaaaaaaaay around. The living and dining room furniture needs to be solid and not saaaaaaaagy.

OUTDOORS - Build a firepit for about $100 and guests will sit out there building memories every day. So include comfortable outdoor furniture.

BARBECUE - On vacation, people seem to grill breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Hey, we like a BBQ as much as the next guy but apparently, fooooooodies must burn their food.

DOGS - If your house can take dogs, our industry says you can make 10% to 30% more income. Plus we can charge guests extra cleaning fees just in case. Woooooooof.

APPLIANCES - If your wash machine sounds like a cement mixxxxxxxxxxer truck, its gotta go. Washers, dryers and even kitchen appliances are coveted by visitors. Don't disappoint them.

GADGETS - If the Teflon on your pots and pans flaked off before NASA reached the moon, buy the newer and better stuff. Plus, good toasters, coffee makers, and even an espresso machine can entice potential guests. If we had a dollar for every Keurig coffee maker - well you knooooooooooow the rest.

INTERNET - The war is over and the internet has won. Everyone is addicted to connectivity. Without it, you lose bookings. Without it, guests complain. Most homes get exxxxxxxtra income per month than the annual cost of wifi.

CABLE TV - Maybe someday the internet will beat out cable, but without reception, guests stay awaaaaaay in droves. You don't need exxxxxxxxxxxxxxpensive channels but you must have the basics.

LIBRARY - People really do still read on the vacation. A "take-one, give-one" library of paperbacks will win kuuuuuuudos from guests.

HOT TUB - The best investment that can be made in the vacation rental industry is a hot tub. Houses with hot tubs pay back the purchase cost every year and sometimes double or triple it. Does your IRA return 200% per yeaaaaaaaar?

LOCAL MANAGEMENT - Guests want help with people who live nearby to take care of their every request. And they want a veeeeeeeery friendly face and voice to be there 24/7. We are!

This is why we get more bookings, higher rates, and great online reviews. Without us, when there is a problem you are toooooooooast.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0590 – 02/28/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

Secret Sauce - Lodging Newsletter January 31st, 2018

By Wm. May
Published: 01/31/18 Topics: Lodging Newsletter Comments: 0

Now that the Super Bowl and the Olympics are over, what will all those sports aficionados be watching? It is like a wasteland out there until baseball gets into full swing and all the joggers begin to more regularly flock the streets! What a great time of year to ponder others things..

How about comparing sports to business or compare and contrast as my sophomore English teacher liked to say.

In the "specialty lodging industry" (think unique Inns, Resorts, and Vacation Rentals), every business needs to be adapting to and adopting new practices in order to serve their property owner clients. Nowhere is that truer than in the wild, wooly, and sometimes wonderful arena of marketing and advertising.

This month it is time to spill the beans. We are revealing the secrets of how our seemingly small local business has mastered the lodging industry's marketing in ways the giant competitors can’t even guess.

Of course, we'll leave out the "secret sauce" parts that only our clients know about, but we'll give you enough to judge for yourself.


For the first time ever we are revealing the secrets of advertising, the magic of marketing, and the persuasion of promotion. These are insider tips that generate vivid visibility for every property and increase inquiries and large bookings.

Secret #1 - Every advertising tool must be employed.

Advertising was once simple - buy ads in print, outdoor, radio, and TV. Properties found these costly and often defaulted to "Field of Dreams" marketing as in "If I build it they will come". I loved the movie, but it’s a worthless strategy that takes a very looooooooong time to yield any results.

Secret #2 - The internet changed everything. Did it ever.

Travelers know how to Google destinations from around the world as easily as ones just around the corner. If your manager is not a raving internet expert, your property is losing out. Some list on the humongous websites like VRBO and Airbnb, but fail to invest advertising on the hundreds of other websites, or they can't comprehend the technology required.

Secret #3 - The listing websites are not enough. Not even close.

Our engineers dump man-years into distributing our properties around the world, electronically linking rates, dates and other information to ensure accurate advertising and happy guests. What we invest in heavily, the other guys don't even know exists. Take for example our HDR photography, 360-degree panoramas, 3D tours, compelling floor and site plans, vivid descriptions and easy to find details!

Secret #4 - Doing enough, never is enough.

A client recently remarked that they get emails from staff sometimes very late at night. We do love the industry but must admit we don't do that for fun. We do that to keep up, to outpace the other guys and to stay far ahead of the pack. This work gets the best return for property owner clients.

The marketing of specialty lodging is changing fast and the pace of change is accelerating. Who knows what will come next? Except that only those who are zealous in their study and learning can provide exemplary service to property owner clients.

Secret #5 - There are no real secrets

In 1974, a famous radio disc jockey and programming director was asked by his competitor, "So what is the secret to the success of your station?" He broke out into uncontrollable laughter and said, "Well your dimwit, turn on the radio and listen. And then try to copy what we do. Just try."

Still, the other guys criticized when they listened instead of emulating his success. They failed to study, to comprehend or alter their stations to match what worked at his.

Secret #6 - Success comes from 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration.

A wise man once said, "I am pretty sure I can out think you. But I am absolutely sure I can out-work you." This letter was written at 1 AM while the competition sleeps.

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Author: Wm. May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0589 – 01/31/18

Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –

DETAILS: We work to keep this information up to date, but details do change from time to time based on circumstances, often on short notice, and sometimes beyond our control. To verify any answer or other information you may need, please call or email us anytime. Allow a reasonable amount of time for response. Only legitimate inquiries will be answered.