Bill's Beneficial Blog
Does anyone really read the millions of blogs out there? Or are they really just a ploy to entice Google for a bit more ranking or space? Every other ad agency blog is going to be all about how great they are, why they are the smartest and other clearly self promoting stuff.
So we decided to just write about what interests us. Our only hope is that - every now and then - you find a nugget that is a slight value for you. We hope. If you want to get these rantings in your inbox every so often, Signup to get emails. Here goes.
Everything Instant - Lodging Newsletter September 30, 2024
By Wm. May
Published: 09/30/24
Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management
Comments: 0

Long ago with some partners, we made an offer to purchase (of all things) a radio station.
The partners had experience at managing radio stations, but no experience at the process of actually closing a business purchase that included a Federal Communications Commission (FCC) license application, tangible and intangible assets sale, engineering evaluation, and how to write all the necessary contracts.
The attorney engaged to facilitate the closing, had dozens of questions, when one partner innocently said, "Well, how long will it take for you to prepare the documents so we can close the deal?"
He informed us that he could have the first-draft of the closing documents in about week, then it would take the FCC about a month to review our application.
The partners were crestfallen. What could possibly take up to a week to type up some papers? The attorney was cordial in saying that this time is shared among numerous clients and, more importantly, the work must be done carefully and it must be done completely.
Overtime, with the advent of overnight document delivery services, then email, then mobile phones, and now texting, consumers and even business people have come to believe that everything little thing can be done immediately. But smart businesses still benefit from knowing when and when not to make things instantaneous.
We like to quote John Wooden, the head basket ball coach at UCLA from 1947 to 1975, won the NCAA national championship 10 times (7 consecutively). No other coach has come close. Many experts consider him to have been the best sports coach (in any sport) of all time, famous for admonishing his players to perform:
"Be quick. Never hurry."
That is especially helpful guidance in today’s era when more communications methods have caused everyone to want everything instantaneously.
Later in life, Coach’s players admitted they not only fully understood the wisdom at the time. It helped them navigate life ever since.
In the vacation rental and lodging management business, the list of duties, tasks, and obligations is long and varied. Of course, it is necessary to maintain and clean the physical properties, to assist guests in every way they may need, and to communicate with the property owners.
Over decades, the list of obligations continues to increase. Create and maintain websites. Continually invest in technology to synchronize rates, dates, and information with "Online Travel Agency" (OTA’s) websites (such as VRBO, AirBnB, Expedia). Produce web-optimized still photos, drone aerial photography, 3D Tours, and even floor plans. Utilize devices to monitor guest behavior, while also being available 24-7-365. And help with government permits.
Along the way, an unexpected burden has been imposed.
Communicating in new ways is a good thing. Years ago bookings came in by phone, with confirmations sent by mail, or even fax (remember faxes??). The arrival of email was helpful. Online bookings facilitate bookings. Mobile phone ordering convinced guests to book on the go, and also helps coordinate housekeeping. Texting allows guest and manager to reach out and touch at any time.
But is that all good?
More communication methods have actually decreased personal communications. OTA’s interfere between guests and managers. SMS texting makes for overly short words, requiring much back and forth. Guests demand to text at 3AM with non-essential questions. Owners install security cameras to surveil guests (who just hate that).
So to provide top service to everyone we embrace that John Wooden quote, "Be quick. Never hurry".
No one method takes preference. Bookings, phone calls, emails, texts, online chats, are parsed to determine priority. Quick - guest onsite property services. Quick - weather and utility interruptions. Quick - housekeeping and maintenance scheduling and tracking. New bookings ae processed quickly, depending on arrival date.
All the other hundreds of duties, questions, and requests come after those. Accounting is scheduled. Advertising is planned far in advance. Owner reports are periodic, but not daily. For owner questions about projections, accounting, or other inquiries, time is taken to ensure that responses are accurate and complete.
Coach Wooden also advised, "It’s the little details that are vital."
So by following prioritized communications, we can achieve the best outcome for owners, guests, and staff alike.
Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 1000 – 09/30/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Frozen Guests - Lodging Newsletter August 31, 2024
By Wm. May
Published: 08/31/24
Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management
Comments: 0
Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0999 – 08/31/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Wallowa Valley - Lodging Newsletter July 31, 2024
By Wm. May
Published: 07/31/24
Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management
Comments: 0

Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0998 – 07/31/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Vacation Rental Greed - Lodging Newsletter June 30, 2024
By Wm. May
Published: 06/30/24
Topics: Education, Investment, Lodging Management, Profit, Selling, Vacation Rental Management, Yield Management
Comments: 0
In the movie "Wall Street", actor Michael Douglas’ character Gordon Gekko proclaims:
"The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit."
In 2015, the "U.S. Open" Golf tournament took place near Tacoma, Washington. Promoters said it would be a massive boom for tourism. But they failed to say - only if you know what you are doing. With our first office having opened in 1964, we have watched how many events affect lodging. Our advice? If you don’t have sophisticated yield management to maximize profit, greed will cause pain.
Normally, clients are not allowed to set rates for the very reason that played out at the U.S.Open. But in this case, a large client insisted his rates be raised ten-fold. To our later chagrin, we gave in.
But by now you may have guessed what happened: It seems that the golf watchers prefer to stay in hotels where they can gossip with like-minded golfers, and maybe rub elbows with pros. The privacy of a private home is not what they come for.
Then the owners of usually non-renting homes, on and near the course, arranged to move out of their houses to offer rentals during the tournament. The market became flooded.
Although our property was very nice, it was far away from the action. Attendees wanted to avoid driving back and forth several times a day for a whole week.
As the championship week approached, our client panicked and screamed "Drop the rates! Let’s get some bookings, any bookings." We did not say, "I told you so." But we could have.
But it was too late. Event travelers plan far ahead and there were no guests to be had. While the property could have earned $10,000 that week, instead the owner made zero, zip, nada.
Setting proper rates is difficult even for skilled experienced managers who have research on rates, dates and competition. Clients do not, so they should drop their ego, ignore the greed, and let the pros make maximum profit for their homes. Sometimes the author Ron Rash, is correct:
"A small profit is better than a big loss."
Making a profit is good. Being greedy is dangerous. Here is how we pursue profit.
Authority - Let us do our jobs for you. Accept Yield Management as the powerful tool that it is - even if it seems not to work to you at times. Follow our recommendations, approve our ideas, and invest in the little things that make a difference.
Pride - Swallow it during seasons when no one is coming to town and as rates drop. Remember rates will soar during high seasons and yes, even during events. The telemetry we buy considers past, present and future events. It reacts quickly to changes such as weather, travel challenges, and everything competitors are doing - hotels, motels, inns, resorts and vacation rentals, of course.
Doll It Up - It is an old phrase my father was fond of as he "dolled up" his business, his car, his garden, and his 3 boys as he dressed us up for Church every Sunday. As a six old boy I swelled with pride as our teacher reminded students to see "Billy’s garden on the way home. His father grows the most beautiful roses." Dolling up a rental home is more than just good amenities, it is special touches that make a difference.
Buck Up - Ok, here is another phrase from my dad. Because rentals deal with consumers, accept that someday some guest will hate your town, your neighborhood, your resort, your house, your furniture, or even your manager. They are wrong of course, but the best defense is to make your place very nice and keep it that way.
Wise Up - I mean this as no disrespect, but this is the third phrase my Dad trumpeted - be wise. We pay attention, we study, we watch the competition, but we also search for new and innovative ideas. To operate properties tightly, advertise widely, and generate the best results.
Digest - Owners are subjected to the neverending hype about vacation rentals, even as the market supply grows and even if demand does not keep pace. Our team members spend countless hours mastering this seemingly simple industry and all so that our clients don’t have to do so.
Cooks - Yes there can be too many in the soup. And yes my dad told me that too. Repeatedly. It is wonderful to receive tips and ideas about the industry. Keep us posted as we spend overtime working for each and every client.
Do Your Part - Keep your home in tip-top condition, with upgrades, replacements of textiles, kitchen wares, and more. Or you can just call and authorize us to spend money where necessary. Every day, every owner competitor is improving steal your guests. If your place looks a bit worn, your income will drop. Guests won’t return. Or they’ll leave a negative review.
Passion - This last one from my Father is the most important. Tiring of how everyone tells young folks to find something to be "passionate" about, he said. "That is the wrong. He said that success is easy if you are passionate about everything. Do your best. Give a damn. Find the joy. Work your patootie off. Be good at what you do. That is the joy."
We can promise every client. That is what we do here. Thanks to all clients for allowing us to work on your homes. The best is yet to come. It always is.
Author: Wm. May – Administrator, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0997 – 06/30/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Political IQ's Maui Housing - Lodging Newsletter May 31, 2024
By Wm, May
Published: 05/31/24
Topics: Education, Employment, Government, Hawaii, Vacation Rentals, Vortex VIP
Comments: 0

Hiring competent employees has always been a challenge. Today, diligent employers conduct multiple interviews, check references, and secure background checks before giving anyone a job.
Unfortunately, when citizens "hire" politicians ("vote") they never have an opportunity interview them face to face and they rely on the media to check a candidate's background, even though today's news pundits seem determined to push their own agendas, rather than simply reporting the facts. (That is a topic for a much bigger forum than our little newsletter here.)
But the risk of stupid decisions may actually be greater for town mayors, council members, and county council members than for national politics. Wikipedia says there are 89,000 local jurisdictions in the United States which may go by the terminology of city, town, township, borough or village.
With 3,143 counties in the U.S. and presuming an average of 3 commissioners for every county and just 3 council members (likely low) each city or town, that means there are around 276,000 people elected to govern their subjects.
Virtually none of those have been as intently tested as McDonald's does when they hire high school students to flip burgers.
Unfortunately, those 276,000 people are allowed to make decisions for which they have no experience, no training, and who seldom become experts on a subject before opining about it.
There are certainly far more important subjects for politicians than warring about our measly little "Vacation Rental" industry. But if those same officials show the same stupidity toward all challenges as they do stealing away property rights, it is no wonder those bigger problems are getting bigger.
This old joke applies. "What do you call a person who graduates last in their medical class?" The answer is "Doctor" and one may be your doctor, but you will never know.
Same thing for elected city and county officials, unfortunately.
The list of politicians who cannot connect the dots to make good decisions just keeps growing.
Maui, Hawaii - The latest candidates for IQ testing is Richard Bissen of Maui County in Hawaii. As you have undoubtedly heard, in August of 2023, the island suffered a catastrophic fire that burned the entire town of Lahaina and killed 100 people. Thousands were left homeless.
Help came from the state, the county, not-for-profits and even celebrities who own homes there, including Oprah, the Rock (Wayne Johnson), and Mick Fleetwood (Of Fleetwood Mac), offering cash, food and other necessities.
But now, Mayor Bissen has decided that he can help local residents by stealing property from other people. He plans to prohibit short-term rentals in 7,000 condos, in hopes those homeowners will rent them out long-term and cheaply.
Surely, many condo owners would forfeit then own occasional use for a year or two or three, presuming, of course, the government would pay for them. But no - Bissen is not planning to pay, instead by reversing the County's long held policy allowing short-term rentals, he plans to cripple owners so they will have to sell out cheap and, presumably, to local folks.
Everyone who loves Hawaii, including the owners of those 7,000 condos, feels terrible for resident losses, but the mayor's action will not work. It will years or even decades to work through the courts and will not create housing for many years to come.
The Beat of Hawaii website ( reports that the mayor's knee-jerk reaction was actually in the making long before the fire. Now he is using the fire as a scapegoat to get what he wanted all along. It panders to residents and ignores second homeowners who don't get to vote.
The annual negative effect of killing 7,000 rentals on Maui would be $3.25 billion dollars, a loss of $707 million County tax dollars, and will eliminate 14,000 jobs from the very people Bissen pretends to help.
His disjointed reasoning is that removing vacation rentals would "Force" visitors into hotels. Unfortunately, there aren't that many hotel rooms and, as has been proven elsewhere, when guests can't rent vacation homes, they simply go elsewhere. Maui loses. Hawaii Loses. Visitors lose.
Like so many places in the U.S., the housing that Maui needs could have been accomplished long ago by eliminating the 23% of building costs that cities, counties, state and federal government extort from building projects by ignorant and unnecessary rules, regulations, inspections and permitting fees.
Remove those and developers will come in droves to build what Maui wants.
When Bill Gates was a youngster, in a biography, it was reported that his mother after summoning him repeatedly to come to diner, finally yelled up to his room, "What are you doing up there?" He retorted "I am thinking mother. You should try it some time."
Well, Mayor Bissen, it is time to do some deep thinking and cancel such a stupid thing as killing jobs on Maui, devastating its economy, and actually making things worse instead of better.
Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0996 – 05/31/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Lodging Newsletter 20240229 Noel Coward Snake
By Wm, May
Published: 02/29/24
Topics: Advertising, AirBnB, Marketing, Self Improvement, Selling
Comments: 0

- To get more sales, get more inquiries
- To get more inquiries, get more visibility
- To get more visibility, advertise every way you can afford
- - - - - - -
Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0982 – 02/29/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Continuing Versus Continuous Education
By Wm, May
Published: 02/29/24
Topics: Education, Employment, Government, Lodging Management, Lodging Newsletter, Vortex VIP
Comments: 0

Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0986 – 02/29/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Vacation Rental Politics - Lodging Newsletter April 30, 2024
By Wm, May
Published: 02/29/24
Topics: Education, Employment, Government, Vortex VIP
Comments: 0

Politics and Vacation Rentals make strange bedfellows. That makes sense for lodging where providing "beds" is the name of the game. But for politics, the operative word is just plain "strange".
Politicians have been known to praise tourism as good for local economies, all while they are hand cuffing travelers with excessive taxes, lodging promotion contributions, and repugnant regulations.
The latest incursion on travel is where naive local politicians attempt to circumvent the traveling public's wants, by profiting from vacation rentals or burdening them with unnecessary and poorly conceived regulations
Marketing of any product is simple - "Ask consumers what they want. And then you give it to therm." Businesses don’t tell consumers what to buy. They give it to them. That is especially true for travel.
Politicians like to ignore that undeniable truth, by dreaming up more ignorant ideas, all of which will cut travel in their areas and, thereby, cut those locals jobs that support their constituents.
The latest stupidity is how Chelan County Washington fabricated laws that add costs for visitors and saddle homeowners with unnecessary costs. Worse yet "Drop Dead" clauses permanently strips owners of their Constitution bundle of real estate rights for any imagined violation.
Washington State lawmakers want to allow cities and counties to add an additional whopping 10% to the sales and lodging taxes. They figure if consumers are stupid enough to pay the current 10 to 14% tax, they are dumb enough to pay 20 to 24%.
Consumers know when they are getting ripped off. They disappear never to return. The gossip mill warns other visitors that they are not wanted in Chelan County.
On top of all that, Chelan County's egotistical Community Director fools spent $300,000 for a software system to encourage neighbors spy on visitors, only later to admit that any traveler fines won't be enforceable to offset the cost.
There are bigger problems in the world than what vacation rental owners face. But if governments approaches all problems as they have for rentals, is no wonder they fail to solve those bigger issues.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Here is an open letter to the Chelan County Commissioners. Sounds like they believe their super citizen role gives them the right to ignore fair play and smart thinking.
Dearest Commissioners & Bureaucrats:
If you myopically thought that soaking visitors with never ending taxes would not decrease tourism, congratulations - you have fooled even yourself. Why be surprised that County Lodging contributions have dropped hugely?
If your goal was - To decrease sales for every business that relies on visitors, you should be congratulated for crushing commerce in the county.
If your goal was - To increase unemployment by causing those companies to cut jobs, you should be congratulated for hurting the very people who you are supposed to be protecting.
If your goal was - To get rid of all those pesky out-of-town land owners, you should be congratulated. You did it and devastated those people who don’t get to vote in your election. Smart really.
If your goal was - To trick people into thinking second homeowners would rent them out as affordable housing, thereby prohibiting their owner's use, congratulations on an idea that has never worked anywhere else.
If your goal was to - Kick people out of the county, who have owned there and loved it (As you do) for decades, congratulations for that kind of apartheid.
If your goal was - To pander to those citizens who hate everyone and everything, you should be congratulated for creating your own kind of hate crime.
If you goal was - To make those people hate heavy handed government, you should not be congratulated for tricking and treating people like fools.
If your goal was - To rake in more unnecessary taxes and increase costs, adding layers of paper shuffling bureaucrats, congratulations, now you have more people sucking money for no valid reason.
Can you ever comprehend that responsible people are entitled to take care of their properties without more mind-numbing rules, regulations, risks and abuse? You should be congratulated for doing the opposite.
Can you admit - That right now is the time to cut the vacation rental regulations down by 90%. Have a simple form to ensure everyone pays taxes, has safety equipment and lists how to contact owners if there is an issue.
Of course, all the haters in the county will castigate you for prohibiting them spewing their hatred. But it is time to do the right thing, so that maybe you could be congratulated for standing up for fair play.
Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0992 – 02/29/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
Who's Confused - Lodging Newsletter January 31, 2024
By Wm, May
Published: 01/31/24
Topics: AirBnB,, Channels, Expedia, Online Travel Agents (OTAs),
Comments: 0

- Can there be anyone in the country who doesn’t use the internet?
- But who of us truly understands how the internet really works?
- - - - - -
Author: Wm, May, Vortex VIP
Blog #: 0980 – 01/31/24Sponsor: Vortex VIP – –
- Topics
- Aberdeen Washington
- Advertising
- AirBnB
- Art
- Behavior
- Boats
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- Channel Management
- Channels
- Communications
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- Covid-19 Virus
- Do It Yourself Rentals
- Dynamic Rates
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- Events
- Expedia
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- Guest Behavior
- Guest Management
- Hawaii
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- Holidays
- Hood Canal
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- Housekeeping
- Inns
- Insurance
- Investment
- Kindness
- Lodging Management
- Lodging Newsletter
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- Moclips Beach WA
- Mount Rainier WA
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- Ocean Shores WA
- Online Travel Agents (OTAs)
- Pacific Beach
- Packwood WA
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- Regulations
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- Seabrook Resort
- Search Engines (Google, Bing, Safari)
- Seattle
- Self Improvement
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- Things To Do
- Timeshares
- Vacation
- Vacation Rental Association
- Vacation Rental Management
- Vacation Rentals
- Venture Capital
- Videos
- Vortex VIP
- Websites
- Wildlife
- Yield Management
DETAILS: We work to keep this information up to date, but details do change from time to time based on circumstances, often on short notice, and sometimes beyond our control. To verify any answer or other information you may need, please call or email us anytime. Allow a reasonable amount of time for response. Only legitimate inquiries will be answered.